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               I slept for a while Wil, said I slept for two days. I had told people on twitter that I would be taking a week break. I was supposed to be in California but those plans changed and i was at home sleeping. I look at the clock, 4:00am, January 24,2021. I left the bed and went to the kitchen. I almost fell down the stairs. I grabbed a random box of cereal. I poured the cereal then the milk. In my half awake mind, I thought I saw someone or a shadow. I knew it was probably my anxiety taking over me. I went to the floor with my back to the cabinets. I closed my eyes to think of something better. I could hear steps from the stairs. I thought it was just me being half awake. I could sense the light being turned on.

"Melody?" I looked up and it was only Wilbur."

"Melody, what wrong? Are you ok?"

" I don't know. I woke up and grabbed a bowl for cereal. I saw a shadow and so I went to sit on the floor to help myself relax."

"This is the first time you've woken up since you've been back. I had to check your pulse that you were still alive! Do you need help?"

"I'm ok. I promise I'm ok. I'm awake now so I'm afraid to go to sleep. What if I sleep for a long period of time again."

"Let's go to the sofa and watch Tv. If you fall asleep it's ok. Just make sure you tell Twitter and your fans that you're ok and will be away for a while."

"Wil, don't take this in offense, but will you ever go back to Brighton?"

"Yeah on Sunday. I just enjoy being with you. The environment is so loving. It's like a fairy cottage home."

"I think I will go back to sleep. I just want the Tv on for background noises."

"One question. Would it be ok, if I had my band come over?"

"Yeah of course. I'll be in my room. I need time for me. I'll probably be organizing the medicine cabinet or my making sure I have my prescription. I can't let the anxiety get to me."

"You could hang out with us if you'd like. I don't want to force you to meet them, but if you change your mind you can."

"Just let my Anxiety medicine kick in. Once it does I'll probably want to meet them then." We both sat on the couch. We had room on the couch but we sat close together. He was so inviting and it felt nice to be with him. We watched Disney movies.

"Wil, don't you need to stream?"

"Yeah, it's fine I can push it back."

"You could use my set up if you'd like or the one in my actual office."

"Maybe I will later tonight." I fell asleep back asleep around 5:30am. I had no reason to be awake so it was ok. I wanted to sleep forever, but I had already done that. I got my well needed sleep. I woke up again at 11:30am. I jolted up as if I was being choked and barely got air to breath.

"Melody, are you ok."

"Yeah I think. Am I dead?"


"Am I alive?"


"Ok then I think I'm good."

"You fucking scared!

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too. That's happens to me sometimes."

"Do you know  why it happens?"

"Probably stress and the lack of sleep."

"What makes you stressed out?"

"I don't know. Life in general, my mom and how I unfortunately dropped out of uni. I wanted to continue, but it was causing me a shit ton of stress. My mental health was really bad. I wouldn't let anyone in my house. Tommy would want to come over, but I wasn't in the right headspace. I pushed everyone out. I even stopped streaming for awhile. I got better"

My Melody | Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now