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We quickly left his house into the car. Panicking we wouldn't make in time considering the drive ahead of us. While Wilbur drives I fell back asleep. I knew I shouldn't have set the day today. Oh well that's on me. I was suddenly woken when we had just turned into the office. I unbuckled the seatbelt and opens the door. Wilbur and I had an argument. Nothing serious just getting mad that we didn't wake up earlier. I signed in and waited a little bit.

"Melody Valentine?" A nurse spoke. I walked up to her with Wilbur behind me. "Great follow me this way, Ms.Valentine." I followed along close. I was worried about what I'd be diagnosed with this time.

"Dr.Dawson will be in here shortly." I nodded as I looked forward.

"Wilbur, I'm nervous."

"It'll be ok." I held his hand closers to me. I was very nervous.  Soon Dr.Dawson came into the room.

"Hello Melody it's nice to see you again."

"Hello Dr.Dawson."

"Melody, we did diagnose what you have. You have Bipolar Disorder. Have you been taken your Anxiety Medication recently?"

"Yes, in the morning and nights. This morning I didn't. I was in Brighton and so I was in a rush to get here."

"Ok, make sure you're taking your medication. Any concerns?"


"Ok well, thank you for taking your time in coming. Good bye Melody, have a good afternoon."

"Thank you Dr.Dawson." I had said as he walked four of the room. Bi-Polar disorder? It would explain a lot, but Bi-Polar disorder? I have had a hard time falling asleep the since the beginning of the year and lots of mood swings. Maybe I've had some suicidal thoughts and have self harmed. I had some cuts on my thighs. I've stopped because I hate the thought of cutting myself. I'm glad I've started to over come that type of self harm. There's many types of self harm. I was still processing everything.

"Melody, are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." We both got up leaving the office to the car. I fell back asleep. I mean I expect it. Maybe depression, but Bi-Polar? I didn't think it was that bad I guess. Life is life and nobody is perfect. I would of course tell my dad later. My birthday would be coming up in September. September 25th. Maybe I'd go to America again. This time without my mom. Maybe see if we can visit Dream and Sapnap. Wilbur could come with me. It's be pretty fun. Same birthday day month. We're only a year apart. Not a huge age gap. After a while I woke up as we pulled up to my house.

"In September let's go to America." I spat out.

"Wha-........Yeah sure we could go. I'm sorry about the fight earlier."

"Wil, it's fine. We partied a little to much and over slept a little it's ok. I should be apologizing to you. On the track if America.... Let's visit Sapnap or something! Ranboo? Quackity?"

"Yeah sure but let's go inside and continue sleep I'm still tired."



This a shorter chapter than I normally write. Kind got writers block and couldn't finish this until 3/2/22.

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