Chapter 2

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When I reached the Queen's quarters, the guards at the doors saluted and allowed me in. As I entered the lavish parlour, a blushing maid directed me through another door hidden behind velvet curtains. Apparently, the Queen had requested my presence in her private rooms. No doubt, Lord Turek had benefited from the same gracious demonstration of intimacy. Smiling grimly to myself, I pressed the door handle and entered the sanctuary of my sovereign.

Queen Alzbeta sat at a mahogany cabinet that encased a large oval mirror in runic carving. They seemed to me vaguely familiar, perhaps from a long-forgotten human dream. My attention was quickly distracted by the hazy movements I saw there, as if flaming, naked figures were coiling and twisting. I blinked and realised the deceiving shapes were in fact Alzbeta's bright red curls, which she was diligently combing.

At hearing me come in, the Queen's silvery-grey eyes sprang up to me in the mirror, and an enchanting smile welcomed me.

'Ah, my Lord Halvard, you came,' she greeted, perhaps too enthusiastically for a woman in mourning who needed to keep up appearances.

'Your Majesty,' I bowed.

'It seems you didn't exactly hurry to visit me, my Lord. I thought you forgot me,' she went on lightly, the same mysterious smile on her carmine lips.

'Not at all, Your Majesty. I was detained with matters of great importance,' I replied politely.

Still facing the mirror, the Queen glanced at me from under long lashes and an arched eyebrow.

'Matters more important than your Queen summoning you?'

'I would say just as important as my Queen summoning me,' I bowed again, hiding a grin.

Waving back her hair, Alzbeta rose from her cabinet and approached me slowly. I was already familiar with the Queen's direct nature, but this time, her daring surprised me unpleasantly. She was now standing before me in a gold-threaded brocade robe that had negligently-on-purpose slipped over her shoulder. One hand tracing her deep cleavage, Alzbeta settled the other on my arm.

'If those matters don't concern some imminent terrible disaster, I find no excuse for your delay, Damian,' she said softly.

I made a step back and cleared my voice. I did not appreciate her sudden familiarity, nor the fact that she had obviously called me here simply on a whim.

'The houseboy said it was an urgent matter. What does Your Grace wish from me?' I spoke impatiently.

Every moment I spent away from Irena was an irreversible loss, and my foreboding increased. Alzbeta sensed my annoyance and her features hardened.

'I believe you know exactly what I wish, my Lord Halvard, and don't pretend yourself surprised. One such as you should understand me perfectly.'

Still eyeing me boldly, the Queen produced a silver letter knife and began pressing its thin edge into the milky flesh of her exposed left breast. My hand flashed and forced the knife out of her fingers easily. Alzbeta's beautiful features twisted in malice, her mouth a thin red line. She knew.

'Your Grace should be more careful with sharp instruments, however harmless,' I spoke lightly, putting the knife on a nearby table. 'One never knows what ugly wounds they might inflict.'

It could all yet be a coincidence. I reprised my indifferent stance, as though nothing had happened, as though I were still waiting to know how best to accomplish the will of my Queen. For her part, Alzbeta stood up to full height, covering herself, and summoning all the authority the marriage with the late King had given her.

'I intended to be more delicate about it, my Lord, but it seems you leave me no choice. I know what you are and I wish that you endow me with the same gift!' she declared proudly.

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