Chapter 6

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Sometime close to midnight, our small gathering dispersed. As always, Damian waited to escort me to my chamber. I was eager for the two of us to have a moment of privacy, since everyone in the great hall had made it their mission to part us for the entire evening.

I found him out on the corridor, his back against the wall, a deep frown on his brow.

‘There you are!’ I exclaimed relieved. ‘You will never guess this, Damian. I have the most astonishing news—‘

I broke off when his eyes looked straight at me, the green in them uncommonly vibrant. Around us, the servants were putting out the candles.

‘What’s the matter?’ I asked apprehensively. ‘Did something happen?’

Damian glanced at the guards that were making their midnight rounds and the scurrying cleaning staff.

‘Not here,’ he muttered, taking my hand. ‘Come with me.’

Struggling to keep pace, I followed him out through the terrace doors and into the silent gardens. The thick snow had frozen and the pathways were covered in hard, slippery ice. We did not go far however and stopped beside a stone bench. Even through the velvet dress, frost bit into my skin and I began to shiver.

Without a word, Damian undid the buttons of his coat and wrapped it around my shoulders.

‘Th-thank you, but won’t you be cold?’

He chuckled and helped me slide his coat down my arms as well. I could feel the thick material saturated with his perfume and it made my heart pick up its rhythm.

‘No, do not worry. The cold has never bothered me.’

For a long moment, we stood and gazed at each other without saying anything. In the moonlight, his beautiful face expressed deep sadness, and new fear gripped my soul. Whatever he had to tell me it was not good news.

‘Irena, I am being sent away,’ he said directly.

The shivers returned.

‘What? Why? For how long?’

‘I do not know. It could be a month or more. Your father has deemed it necessary I returned to my diplomatic mission in Saxony.’

My heart sank.

‘When?’ I managed.

‘Tomorrow, at first light.’

I made a step back, shocked.

‘This can’t be right. Father just said I still had a year to finish my education.’

‘You do, only it will not be me providing it. The King has called for another tutor from Florence. You are to be schooled in political law.’

I stared at him horror-struck.

‘But I don’t need to learn political law!’ I sputtered.

‘Apparently, as future Queen, you do,’ he retorted sarcastically, his voice betraying the first signs of lost calm.

‘Well, then, I will go and speak to Father about this. I will go now—right away!’

Damian caught me by the hand and brought me closer to him. I could almost feel his cool breath on my face.

‘You will do no such thing,’ he muttered. ‘Jaromir is right to send me. I have stayed here for too long as it is.’

With a moan of painful resignation, Damian paced to the side, raking his hands through his hair.

‘I thought I could do this, damn it!’ he hissed. ‘I thought I was strong enough.’

I swallowed thickly, my heart threatening to burst in my chest with dread.

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