Chapter Ten

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Katie and Fez had been through a lot together. Arguments almost everyday, Katie refusing to have sex with him every time he wanted it, him constantly putting himself through danger to make a living in the "family business", him helping her get clean, and now this. She felt ashamed and betrayed by somebody she loved and held super close to her heart.

"Katie, listen to me. You have to listen to me right now." Fez said calmly. I was still crying. Fez had kicked the girl out of his room and closed the door. Julius was sitting on the other side of the door in case something went wrong.

"I don't wanna listen to you. You had a ducking sex worker here and she was all over you. There's no excuse for that Fez."

"Listen to me. Mouse sent her here. I don't know why, but as soon as she got here, she told me mouse sent her here. She came onto me in front of Rue and Ash."

"So you brought her to your room, so she wouldn't be doing this around Rue and Ash?"

"Yeah Katie I did."

"Well she seemed to be on top of you wanting something from you. It didn't seem to me that you said no. So, what the fuck do you have to say about that and the boner you had when you first got up to "calm me down. Explain that shit"

"Katie first of all I'm a guy. I get boners randomly and especially when there's a girl grinding on my dick, and you're right, I didn't say no. I was scared of Mouse finding out that I was going to deny her of something and then him come in and try to kill Ash, grandma, or you."

"So you were just going to cheat on me because you're scared of mouse?"

"Well not exactly."

"What do you mean "not exactly"? You were literally letting her grind on your dick, I don't understand. You knew something was going on because you told me to call you before I even decided to come here. You knew about something."

"You know what Katie, maybe you should listen to me for once in our relationship. Maybe I was tired of the constant fighting. 50% of everything that comes out of your mouth is a fight that's just waiting to happen. I'm tired of fighting with you, I'm sick and tired of it. Also, I understand that you don't wanna have sex yet, you've set those boundaries. It's been almost a year and I don't pressure you with anything about it and I respect those boundaries that have been put into place, but sometimes all a guy needs to make them feel like their on drugs but they aren't is some sexual contact of some sort."

"So you can't use your fucking hand for that? Why was it going to be some other girl? You know what today actually marks our one year, and you were going to cheat on me on our one year. You know how awful this sounds and looks to me?"

"THERE YOU GO AGAIN. PUTTING ALL OF THIS SHIT AND PRESSURE ON ME TO BE PERFECT AND THIS AND THAT AND THE OTHER." Fez had just raised his voice. I fell to the ground and tucked my knees up to my chest and started sobbing. I was already at my breaking point, him yelling was throwing me into an anxiety attack. I heard the door open and Julius barged in.

"You know what we're not gonna do here? We're not going to yell around her. I know damn well she has told you she gets anxiety around yelling and any sort of conflict that involves violence or yelling. She has come to stay at my house too many times to count because her parents got into a fight and she could even fucking breath Fez. So back the fuck off. You wanna yell at somebody, we can go outside and you can yell at me, but you're not going to yell at her for something that you did."

"What did I do Julius? I was doing something for myself that she would never do. I was escaping the fighting and everything else to not only help me, but to keep her safe too."

"Bro listen to me, Katie is so much more than just sex. If you would sit down and just have a 20 minuet conversation with her, it's a roller coaster. One minuet she's talking about art and how she loves drawing and painting, but would rather skateboard most of the time. The next she's talking about how happy she is where she is now. Then she's talking about a dog she saw in somebody's back yard. The same dog she sees everyday, but the little things bring her happiness and joy in life."


"What did I say Fez. Yell one more time in the presence of Katie. Never again will you speak around her like that. Yeah you're right, I did take her virginity, but she took mine at the same time I took hers. And yeah, you're also right about the fact that we have fucked more than once. That's our business. Neither one of us were romantically involved in any way while you two were together. The reason that we even did the times we did was either for some sort of revenge sex which would have been on my part, or out of complete and pure boredom teaching ourselves how to do what we need to do, so when we do get into a relationship like that with whoever we choose to then we are prepared. None of that happened while you two were together. Katie is my one body and I'm Katie's one body. I will forever be the person who took Katie's virginity and she will always be the person that took mine. No matter what happens in life, Katie is my best friend. Nobody in the world can change the fact that we did indeed have sex. So think about that one and let that one sit for a little bit."

Julius spoke facts in his argument against Fez. It didn't help Katie though. No amount of screaming or yelling could possibly help her with the fact that she was in love with Fez. She just didn't understand why he wasn't in love with her.

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