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In da club 

Summah Torres

I hear a loud "Good Morning" before feeling cold liquid hugging my body all over. "What the fuck!" I sit up quickly in my bed and the water and ice form a puddle, where my body just was. "You couldn't just wake me up like a human?" I look towards Aaliyah as she turns with a "nope" and makes a quick getaway. I sigh and slip out of the now wet bed and grab some fresh clothes and start the shower.

After entering the shower and feeling the warm water, I physically feel my muscles relax as my hair and body are consumed by the water. I then wash my curls and quickly scrub my body and stop the water. I open the shower door and walk towards the sink, I wipe the fog on the mirror to see myself. I then pick up my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.

Once completing my morning routine, I get dressed and sit in front of the mirror and start working on my hair, as I start to apply shea moisture Aaliyah slides in starts babbling over something I couldn't understand. "Slow down, what's up?" I grab her shoulders and imitate taking a deep breath so she mimics, after successfully calming down she says "The club we were at yesterday" I nod and question "5th Avenue?" she squeaks and nods. "Yes, what about it?"

I sit there wide-eyed, "You lying to me, no" I point at her and shake my head in hopes to bring some memories from last night, "Summah, why would I fucken lie?" she stares at me. "Aaliyah, there's no way I ended up with the number of one of the owner's friends, are you crazy?" she groans and starts slapping my arm "Bitch who cares about that right now, ugh, we just got invited to their Halloween party!" she almost screams into my ear.


As we stand in line again for the same club, I start to get nervous, who is this guy? I feel very out of place as I start to fiddle with the top of my thigh-high socks. I'm dressed as a dark angel, with wings,  shoes, socks, and even a corset all in black, but the only thing really sticking out are the black horns on my head. Aaliyah on the other hand, dressed as a fairy has loads of color, from the rainbow wings to the silver shiny dress, we look like complete opposites. 

Once we reach the front of the line we show our fake IDs to the bouncer, I still can't get over how the legal age is 21 here, if only the laws were like Australia. But as the bouncer is looking at our IDs he spits out "invites" I look towards Aaliyah, with no clue what to say. With just a second to spare I hear a man call out from inside the club, "Summah, you made it!" I look towards the voice and see a gorgeous man step into the light, "Don't worry Caleb, these two are with me".

Caleb then opens the stanchion and steps to the side letting us through, "Hi there" He smiles down at me, "Hey" I return a tight-lipped smile. "Hi, I don't think we've met, I'm Liam" he sticks his hand out to Aaliyah, so that's his name, she eagerly takes and responds with "I'm Aaliyah" after smiling towards her, he turns back to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Dark Angel?" he questions as he looks me up and down, I slowly nod feeling out of place. 

Walking further into the club, Aaliyah and Liam in deep convo I see that we're moving towards a set of stairs, which happen to lead up to the VIP booths, I quickly turn to Liam and question "Hey Liam, are we sitting in the booths?" he stops his convo with Aaliyah and turns to me, "Well duh, you're stuck with me tonight gorgeous. But keep in mind my friends are kinda crazy, but it's entertainment." He looks me dead in the eye while talking like it's nothing in the world.

He then walks in front of us to talk to another security guard as I latch my hand onto Aaliyah's, "are we really meeting his friends? We don't even know him!" I keep my scared eyes on her face trying to see if she is also frightened by this situation but nope. "stop being a pussy Summah, let's just go have fun" she removes herself from me and runs up behind Liam.

I sigh, following behind and making sure I look okay, I creep up towards the table where Liam is introducing Aaliyah, and as I near Liam he quickly wraps his arm around my shoulders for the second time and introduces me. "And this is Summah, the girl I mentioned before" I look up and gaze my eyes over the table and see a group of guys, sitting and staring right at me.

Straight in the middle was the guy performing last night, as he sees me staring he sighs and rolls his eyes, looking like he just wants to go home. But I'm interrupted as the rest start to introduce themselves, "Hey, I'm Niall" the blonde stands up and pulls me into a very unexpected hug, "oh, hi" I say with a small laugh. "Heya, I'm Louis" the one with blue eyes, and covered in tattoos pipes up with a small wave, I return the wave with a small hi. "Hey there love, I'm Zayn, and you look fucken stunning" I turn to the other side of the booth and am met with a slightly tan guy, with gorgeous hazel eyes, "Hey" I kind of whisper. 

As everyone moves to make room for us, I'm sitting in between Niall and Louis, and Liam pipes up with "And this ass is Harry, but he doesn't do new people" and adds the quotation marks with his fingers. "Whatever you say pussy" Harry responds, his voice is so deep I didn't expect it, I also picked up on all their accents and questioned them. "Y'all aren't American?" I look around so they know I'm asking all of them, But Niall answers "No love, they're English and I'm Irish" He smiles, but in turn, I'm questioned. "Neither are you, where are your from?" Zayn points out, I smile and just simply answer "I'm Australian".

But the convo slowly dies out when Harry fake snores then angrily spits "I don't care, move, let me go to the bar you dicks" He then exits and I look back to the boys and say, "Did I say something wrong?" feeling genuinely confused but then Liam responded, "Nah he's just an ass wipe". But I couldn't help but feel that he already doesn't like me. 






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