f o u r

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bananza {belly dancer}

Summah Torres

"He's so rude," I say to Aaliyah as we sit at the bar, the boys have been gone for at least thirty minutes now and we've just been sitting talking about Harry. "Girl we need to get more tequila into you" Aaliyah muttered as she raised her hand towards the bartender, "I'm going bathroom", without a second word I'm up and heading towards the bathroom.

I push past the people trying to figure out where the bathroom is, I tap shoulders asking for directions, but no one is responding. So I do the only thing logical I yell as loud as I can over the music, "Where is the bathroom!" the people standing around turn their heads straight to me and point to the left and I just muttered a thank you. I would've been a lot more embarrassed if I wasn't already angry.

I slip into the bathroom and find an empty stall, I close the lid, sit and just think. What the fuck is going on. If my mum could see me now, at some random club, hanging out with some random guys and dressed like a whore, I could just hear all the things she would be saying in a moment like this. "Think these boys truly want you as just a friend? I should've known you were the weak link", I shake my head and take a deep breath in. I then exit the cubicle and stare at myself in the mirror.

I am then offered something but since the music is loud I didn't fully hear, "sorry, what?" I turn my head towards the girls in the corner clearly smoking a joint. "You look like you need some, here" she pushes her arm out and holds the joint towards me. I swiftly take it and hold it for a second, I haven't smoked weed in three years, but I still put the tip in my mouth and inhale the smoke. I hold it in my lungs for a couple of seconds before trying to swiftly exhale it but ending up with a loud hurtful cough erupting from me.

I finally take in another puff and copy my previous actions before again exhaling. I walk closer to the girls and sit on the vanity, and take in the third puff, "I really needed this, thank you" I look at the girls and they just smiled at me and one of them say "no worries girl, you can finish off the joint, we're heading out" and blows me a kiss. I smile and stay seated as I watch girls walking in and out with a soft smile on my face.

Finishing off the joint I jump off and turn back towards the mirror only to see my eyes already look red, I butt out the joint, fix my hair and makeup and walk to the exit really not minding who sees me. The moment I'm back out into the club I head straight back to the bar, I order myself 4 vodka shots, as I'm sitting waiting I feel the weed take its toll on me, I sit smiling at nothing, and once the shots are in hands reach I down them all quickly. I then spin on my chair and face back to the crowd.

"Hey, ladies drop it down, Just want to see you touch the ground"

"Oh, I fucken love this song" I jump off my seat and speed walk towards the middle of the dance floor. My body just takes over and I quite literally start belly dancing, my hips hit every beat, while my arms are in the air. Again, the light beams down onto me, and the crowd starts whistling. The biggest smile grows onto my face as my body moves like it was made for this song.

"Girl, I must say you the flyest thang in here
You're so hot we gon' need some rain in here
Type to make ex-gangstas bang in here
Girl, you could do anything you want in here"

I start to sing along with the song as the crowd cheer on for me to keep doing my thing. I slowly start to go in a circle with my left hip leading me as it pops out on every beat. I move my hands all the way down my body as I bent forward with no care of what can be seen, I then raise my hands towards my hair and pin it up with my hands. I let out a laugh and look towards the booths, there standing were the guys and Aaliyah. But the main person that catches my eye is Harry, leaning over the railing and smiling. He's smiling? My smile drops but I keep my eyes on him as he watches me like I'm some type of prey and I slowly come to terms that he isn't smiling but actually showing off a smirk that sends a shiver down my spine.

"In the back seat of your Maseratti-ratti
Jiggle jiggle it to the left (ah ah ah)
Jiggle jiggle it to the right (ah ah ah)
Jiggle it to the front then jiggle it to the back

And jiggle jiggle it all-all night (ah ah ah)"

I keep my eyes locked on his face but soon get distracted when Aaliyah jumps onto me and screams "where did you learn how to do that?!" I grab ahold of her so she doesn't drop, and laugh while saying "nunya". She looks into my eyes and says "what are you on?" her face shows confusion and concern, but I just shrug it off and she drops down and grabs my hand to drag me towards the stairs, "you need to teach me that, please please please plea-" before she kept going I cut her off with a, "okay whatever, oh my god".

We reach the top of the stairs and continue towards the guys and just before we reach them Aaliyah calls out and says with no care in the world "Summahs high as fuck" I spin my head towards her in shock. But much to my surprise the guys don't care and just start whistling. "Sun, you were amazing down there!" Niall calls out towards me with his arms open, I walk to him and just wrap myself into the hug he was currently offering. "Thank you" I hide my red face into Niall's chest as the guys all compliment me on my dancing.

I then look up to see Harry staring directly at me with the same smirk on his face and walking back from the bar holding a tray of some kind of blueish, green alcohol in shot glasses, he eagerly holds the tray in front of him towards us as we all grab one, but there was double of them so we all ended up with two in our hands. I look up at Niall with nervousness and he just smiles reassuringly, the last thing I remember before sculling down the 2 is Harry saying.

"Now this is what I call having fun"





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