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Pon De Replay

Summah Torres

I sometimes wonder how I've come into situations in my life. How I enjoy partying or how I hate crying with no one to talk to. "Babe stop stressing and sit down" I stop my pacing and stare straight at Aaliyah, "oh don't you dare babe me, for all I know you started this whole fucken thing!" I start to walk towards her "I have markings all over my bloody body, for reasons I don't even know!" I bend my head down to reach her on her seated level, "you were the reason we got all dressed up, you were the reason we fucken rocked up to the club" I stare her dead in the eye and say. "We are currently sitting with random guys that you and I just met. We could die at any moment but you didn't think 'oh let me see what Summah thinks' 'cause you're a selfish bitch!"

She stares up at me with tears in her eyes after receiving what I had just said, "Is that what you really think?" A tear falls and travels down her cheek and I let my eyes follow it. "Yes, 'cause you did just tell me you ditched me, so all I know you could care less what happens to me" I then turn around and walk into the bathroom, I lock the door and just stare at myself. Watching every flaw, every insecurity just look back at me, I let the previous conversation play over in my head. "Fuck!" I yell out as I start to tear up, I drop to the ground and curl up.

I sit in the bathroom for forty-five minutes, I then hear a knock on the door. I snap my head up "w-who is it" my voice comes out hard due to my dry throat, I let out a deep cough and repeat myself while standing up "who is it?" I put my hand against the door and the other around the door handle ready to unlock. "Open up Summah" Harry bangs again trying to get in, I then put my head against the door and mutter "What do you want?" the banging soon halts and I hear his footsteps retreat, out of curiosity I put my ear towards the door.

"You're honestly a fucken wanker!" I spit and I hold a towel against my now bleeding ear. "How am I the wanker? I didn't think you'd be dumb enough to not move faster." I stare baffled at him while trying to stop the bleeding, everyone had left and gave harry the responsibility to get me, which I'm sort of grateful for. But then he did bust my ear breaking down the bathroom door, "well no one told you to fucken run at the door, I was gonna open dickhead" I throw the now blood-filled towel at his face, he dodges it and just whispers "you're the one that's an idiot" I stare at him offended. "How the fuck am I the idiot?" I look towards him as he just looks through me, "You just had a fight with your friend for what reason? You sat and cried over yourself in the bathroom for what reason? Summah you're the problem, not anyone else."

Staring at his serious face I get teary and turn to stick tissues in my ear to maintain the bleeding and fix my hair and storm out. I walk to the lobby and end up on the street, I turn to my left and walk down the strip, after walking for 15 minutes I end up at a bar. I walk in and sit on a stool, "What can I get for you gorgeous" the female bartender asks, "I look behind her and just mumble "the strongest you've got." After about three shots of patrón and two cups of vodka and sprite, I find myself dancing.

"Everybody on the floor, let me show you how we do
Let's go, dip it low, then you bring it up slow"

Too drunk to care about being in an oversized t-shirt, I follow what the lyrics say just enjoying myself. I continue to sway and just keep my hips moving lazily, I let out a yawn but keep on moving. I then stumble back to the bar pulling out another thirty-dollar bill and order whatever it gets me, ending up with seven shots of vodka I offer the bartender one and other people around. Coughing, I move back to the dance floor and let the sour taste settle on my taste buds.

"Come, Mr. DJ, song pon de replay (Hey Mr. DJ, boy)
Hey Mr. DJ, won't you turn the music up?
All the gyal pon the dancefloor wantin' some more what"

As the song comes to an end I smile at the bartender and thank her and stumble out of the bar laughing. Struggling to walk in a straight line I notice how it's already dark out, I continue to walk with no care in the world. That was before I literally slipped into someone's arms, "oh my god, I'm so sorry" I slur with a laugh, I look up and see a tall brunette guy holding me steady "It's okay sweetheart" he smiles down at me as I stable myself, I then let go of him and boop his nose. He looked at me completely confused, "you have a cute nose" I smile childishly, "thank you?" he continues to hold me by my waist and I let out a soft no worries.

I move to walk away but he stops me, "where you headed? it's not safe I'll walk you" I look at him and laugh hysterically, he continues to look down at me but now with a look that I couldn't cipher. "How would it be unsafe for me? No one likes me in any way" I then move again and start walking away, I turn my head and see him start to run to catch up. He then grabs my arm, "you do realize that made no sense" I pull my arm out of his reach and just groan "leave me alone."

Turning on my heel, I head straight for the hotel seeing Niall out front, looking behind me I still see the guy following me so I start to speed walk the best I could drunk. "Niall!" I call out and wave my hand as I near him when he sees me I run and hug him "that guy is following me" I say into his neck. I remove my head when Niall is questioned, "how do you know her?" looking at the guy I feel a pit grow in my stomach and start to get uneasy. "That's none of your business, who are you?" Niall returns the attitude only for the rest of the guys to turn and look at the commotion.

I jump when I hear Harry's voice "is there a problem here?" he walks next to me and stares right at me as I start to tear up remembering what he said. "No, just trying to figure out who he is" the guy spat angrily pointing at Niall, whereas I feel laughter erupt from Niall "who I am? she obviously knows me, so who the fuck are you?" I'm then pulled out by Liam just to hold onto him for dear life as he starts to walk me inside. While starting to cry I see them start yelling and Harry throwing the first punch before Liam turns me around.






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