e i g h t

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hit 'em up style

harry styles

Leaning on the side of the car, I look out towards the city, currently standing on some random street in Melbourne, Victoria, I watch others drive past as I suck on the end of my cigarette. My head snaps towards my left as I heard the voices of Zayn and Louis, "are we, good boys?" they quickly nod and slip into the car. Dropping the cigarette butt and stepping on it, I jump into the car and turn it on. With the sweet hum of the music in the back, we head down to the ports to do a drop-off, "what's the address again?" I stare into the back seat at Liam as he deals with all the times, locations, and dates. Quickly running his eyes over his phone, he responds with "Princes pier, port Melbourne."

Rolling my eyes, I light up another cigarette and start smoking, feeling my lungs expand to the foreign air-filled smoke. Feeling my nerves and anxiety slowly fade as I focus on inhaling the smoke and driving, Slowly reaching the drop off point, I park behind trees so the car isn't that far but is also hidden, I exit the car knowing the guys will follow when they want as it is still early. Dropping down to sit on the curb I bring my knees up and continue to smoke, "you do know those will kill you" the sound of Zayns voice comes around as he finds a seat next to me, "you know those drugs will kill you" I sarcastically mutter before pulling out one and handing it to Zayn as he gladly accepts. 

We sit there in comfortable silence before Zayn questions, "so who is this buyer?" I pinch the end of the cigarette and bend forward towards the ground adding pressure as I squeeze the butt into the ground, "Honestly, no idea, his name is Silas. Apparently a big dealer around this area" I move my eyes looking ahead and not caring for Zayn's response before pulling my phone out. I see the post Liam had shared and saw the likes, there Summahs username was just waiting for me to press.

It had been two years since she left, not that I minded just knowing she is from these areas may benefit the business. I press her follow button before going and liking some of her posts, I let myself stare at her as I take in how she has changed. She now has long blue curls, which definitely suit her, I continue to stalk her profile watching her updates before messaging her.


"Come on boys, it's time" I call out as I pull the unbranded duffle bag out of the car, but also pull out a set of guns to pass along the guys. Walking in front I see a set of headlights before I watch a woman get out with a man, from behind me I hear the boys laugh at the sight of a female but I don't make a noise. As they both approach us, the woman calls out, "hello boys" and just as she smirks the headlights turn off and I'm met face to face with none other than Summah. Her face drops as she sees me before Niall walks next to me "Summah?" he looks her up and down before slowly walking towards her, she stops him as she lifts her gun, the guy next to her takes a step forward.

"Alright, alright" Niall moves back and raises his hands, "we're not here to cause trouble love, but it's good to see you again beautiful" Zayn also talks helping Summah calm down. She then looks at the guy and just nods and he moves back, "what the fuck are you fuckers doing here" she lets her smile loose as she runs up to Niall. After doing her rounds of hugging she walks past me with a simple "hi Harry" which I respond with a nod of the head, "so you are making the drop off right?" I respond as the leader with "yea" I drop the bag in between us and the big guy grabs it. "This is Storm by the way" he sends a simple nod and whispers something to her, before walking back to the car. "Sun, you're in a gang?" Niall stands next to her as he waits for an answer, her smile drops as she just looks at him.

"Yeah, after I came back Silas found me and helped me out, I owe him" I give her a puzzled look, "you owe him?" she stares at me not responding and turns to Storm as he hands her the money. She walks up to me and places the money in my hand, "message me if you wanna party, I know the good places" she turns on her heel and starts towards her car, "message me Sun!" Niall manages to get out as she now rolls down her window with a newly lit cigarette and waves goodbye. "What happened to her" I mutter as i turn and walk back towards our own car, "no idea but shes still hot as fuck" Niall groans and the guys just agree before getting into the car ready to go back and sleep.





5TH AVENUETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon