Grounded. Again.

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Greg groaned 'damn, what'd I do this time?'

"Yes mum?" Greg cautiously entered the kitchen.

"Your school just called! An F! In English?! It's your native language!" His mother yelled.

"It's not my fault! Mr. Brooke is out for me! I turned in everything. I swear."

"I don't care! An F is not acceptable! You will NOT be going anywhere this weekend!"


"One more word out of you young man, and I swear..."

Greg shut his mouth tightly and turned
on his heel.
Greg reached his room and closed the door softly, he didn't want to get in trouble for slamming doors.
His phone buzzed.

'Heard you got busted for your little F. Sorry mate.
Dimmock had messaged him

'Eh, it's all right. Just grounded for the weekend

No reply. Greg tossed his phone onto his desk and pulled out his overdue homework.
His phone buzzed. Dimmo again.

'Hey there's a party at Anderson's this weekend, maybe you can sneak out?

'No way I'd risk that

No reply, again.
Greg sighed. He figured he might as well try.

'When is it?


'I'll be there

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