About the party...

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Mycroft glared at his best friend.

"Why did you bring me here when you knew HE was here!"

"That's why I brought you, you bloody moron!"

Mycroft looked back at him

"But I can't..."

Anthea ignored his protests and pushed him towards the drinks section. Once Mycroft was out of her grasp, he dashed away.
Greg turned around. He could've sworn he heard a familiar voice and caught a glimpse of auburn hair dashing through the crowd.


Greg followed the auburn haired teen through the crowds of people.


He called again.

The boy stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face him.

"Mycroft?! What in the bloody hell are you doing here?"

Greg gave him a warm smile, which Mycroft didn't return.


"Hey Myc, you okay?"

Mycroft felt a hand on his shoulder

"Yeah...I'm...uh...I'm fine"

Mycroft stumbled over the words. Greg looked at him again. He let his eyes roam lazily over his handsome face.

'God he looks good'
That thought hit Greg like a rock. He quickly removed his hand and both boys were blushing.

'Oh god he looks so gorgeous'
Mycroft couldn't help but think.

"So, um, you wanna go get a drink?"

Greg asked lamely.


The two walked over to the 'bar' area and in a short time, were giggling and laughing about something only drunk men could understand.

About 30 minutes later, Anthea walked up to the bar, where Mycroft and Greg were still giggling.

"Hey Anthea!"

Or at least, that's what she assumed it to be, Mycroft's words were slurred together and were barely understandable.

"Myc?! What the.... C'mon, we're leaving!"

"No! Greg...c'mon, you come too!"

Greg laughed a very drunken laugh and followed/stumbled out of the front door and into Anthea's car.

"I guess he's coming to the manor?"

"Yessssss! Gregory stays with me!"

Anthea groaned and started the engine.

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