Ship of the century

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Mycroft pulled Gregory aside after class and waited until there was no one around.

"What. Happened!?"

"Myc, calm down love, it was just that big lug Carl Powers"

Mycroft practically growled at the name. Gregory kissed him on the cheek to calm him down.

"Myc, I'm fine, really. It's nothing I'm not used to"

"Okay. Fine. Just, if he hits you again, find me"

Gregory chuckled, but nodded in agreement. Footsteps echoed through the halls, and that was their cue to go, the left the classroom wordlessly and sat on opposite sides of the lunchroom when it came time. All Mycroft wanted to do was walk over to him, plop down in his lap, and cuddle. Unfortunately, Carl and his band of idiots made sure that wouldn't happen. School rules also made sure that wouldn't happen, but those were more easily avoided. He sighed, the people around him weren't much help either. Anthea, his best friend, Sally, only here to avoid Anderson, Molly, because she had no where else to go, and of course, his little brother, Sherlock, who spent all lunch stealing from trays and experimenting on the food. Anthea wasn't all bad, but she didn't like Gregory because of his...unfortunate reputation and the party incident, she had assumed Gregory never spoke to Mycroft again. Gregory had been known as the 'one night stand' since he had arrived at this school, even though he had never fucked anyone here, nor did he even know anyone, which infuriated Mycroft.

"Hey, Anthea, can Gregory come over and join us?"

"Fine, but I'm not speaking to him"

He smiled then waved at Gregory to come and join them. He politely shook his head and continued eating. Mycroft stood, marched over to him, and practically dragged him over.


"Yes, Gregory dear?"

"Why am I over here?"

"Because your loving boyfriend wants you to be because he misses you dearly"

Gregory smiled and blushed. He sat down next to Mycroft, fingers intertwined with his. They ate lunch like that, smiling, talking, secretly holding hands under the table. It was to be their best kept secret. Until, of course Anthea saw and gasped loud
enough for the whole table to hear.

"You're a couple?!"
She practically shouted.

"Yes, now do please calm down, the whole school hardly needs to know does it?"

"Hell yeah they do! People have wanted you two together for forever!!"

Mycroft shot Gregory a confused glance, and he shrugged in response.


"Oh don't sound so surprised! You fit so well together!"

Mycroft mulled over that statement for a while, and then the bell rung. As they were leaving the lunchroom, they received a few claps on the back and congratulations. Gregory felt the world lift off his shoulders, and caught up in the moment off bliss, he wrapped his arms around Mycrofts waist, and kissed him. The corridor filled with cheering and clapping.

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