You break him, you break me.

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Greg's voice sounded broken.
"Oh god....Mycroft what happened"

Mycroft made a low grumbling noise, but no words came out.

"Damn it. I'll make them pay for this, I promise"

"Oh! Hello dear! So, what happened?"
The nurse was very chipper for someone with an unconscious student.

"Um.....well, see there were these two guys.....and, they hit, uh....hit them back"

"Oh..well! We'll just get you cleaned right up and into the Headmasters office!"

Greg sighed, he should have known that was coming. The nurse worked quickly, patching up his eye and lip. Greg barley noticed, he was too focused on Mycroft. Suddenly Mycroft began to move.

Greg jumped away from the nurse.
"Oh god, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"Get. Away."


"I said GO!"

He pushed Greg away.
The Headmasters office was cold and bare. The only sound was the ticking of the clock on his desk.

"So, tell me, why did those boys hit Mycroft?"

"Uhm...well...we are kinda...."

"I understand. Is that why you hit them"

"Yes. They knocked him out for being with me...."

"Okay. Do you know the boys?"

"It was....Moriarty and.....oh, who was it?....Sebastian! Moriarty and Sebastian."

"Are you not friends with those two boys?"

"I was...."

"I see....they will be punished. But your actions will not be ignored."

Greg nodded. He didn't care, he just needed to see Mycroft.

"You will receive two weeks of detention"

Greg almost smiled. That was a light punishment for what he had done.
"Yes sir. May I go see Mycroft now?

"Yes, gentle with him"

"Yes sir. Thank you sir."

Greg walked through the door, then tore down the hallway, just to get to the parking lot in time to Mycroft's car being drove away by his nanny, Mrs. Hudson. Greg sighed, school was out for the day, so he walked over to his bike. There was a note.

'Don't ever come near me again Lestrade. I never want to see your face again'

Greg almost broke down right there. he slipped on his helmet, tears brimming his eyes.

--------------Authors Note----------------
Hello! I am back from camp and ready to update regularly again! Thank you for all of the reads I have gotten like holy wowie.
Thank you especially to ImaBlackVeiledBride because she inspired me to keep writing because I almost gave up! But I will keep writing, okay, thanks, goodbye!

~ Fable

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