Waking up next to you.

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Greg woke up with a strange warmth. He turned to meet a familiar face, and smiled. Mycroft was lying next to him, arms wrapped around him protectively. Last night was a blur. Greg didn't remember much, just lots of yelling from Mycrofts parents. Something about 'not safe' and 'you're to young'. For Greg, it didn't make any sense, but for Mycroft, he went to sleep seething.
Mycroft stirred in his sleep, and his eyes fluttered open. A smile broke out across his face.

"Good morning love"

"Mornin sweetheart"

Mycroft questioned. Gregory shrugged in response.

"What time is it?"

Mycroft groaned.
"7:00 a.m., let's go, before we're late"

Greg sat confused for a moment.
'Oh right...it's Monday. School. Ugh'
Greg groaned as he stood, stretched, and dug around for a decent shirt. All of his clothes were back at his parents house.

"Here, wear this"

Mycroft tossed him a black Green Day shirt and black jeans. Greg smiled in thanks and quickly changed. Mycroft, however, was dressed like a proper person. His clothes were ironed to perfection, button up shirt tucked nicely into khaki pants, and a tie to match. Gregory suddenly felt self-conscious, considering he looked like an emo kid that woke up too late.
'That basically what you are'

"Wow. Mycroft. You look...."

"I know, I know, like a posh git"

"Well I was going to say gorgeous, but okay"

Mycrofts cheeks reddened and he mumbled out some inaudible words.

"Well...we better get going"

"Do we have to go to school Myc?"

"If you want a future yes"

"You are my future, I already have that"

Mycroft blushed again
"Screw you and screw your sappy, romantic movie moments"

"That first part I'm down with, second part, nah, I'm good"

Mycroft simply rolled his eyes and gently shoved him. The pair trotted down the steps. Mycroft headed for the kitchen to make breakfast while Gregory headed for the door.

"You're not going to eat love?"

"Nah, not hungry"

"You're practically a stick, come eat"

Gregory sighed, but shuffled over to the table anyway. He took one bite of his waffles and looked like he was physically ill.

"Myc...I don't eat in the morning"

"That's not healthy"

"I don't usually have time and I'm just not hungry in the mornings"

Mycroft sighed but didn't try and make him eat. Mycrofts' mind wondered to a dark place after that.
'Gregory has to eat more, he's much too skinny...'
Mycroft forced himself to stop thinking like that, his boyfriend was fine, and healthy.

"Hey, um, Myc? Listen....I'm not exactly....out yet to the rest of the school...."

"I know. It's fine love, just, when you're ready, come tell me, and we'll do this together. We're a team now, now and forever"

"Forever? I like that...forever..."

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