Once upon a Monday.

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Greg's shrill alarm broke the silence of the peaceful morning. His arm snaked out from underneath the covers and shut it off.

Greg groaned. Then it struck him. Monday. He got to see Mycroft. Greg nearly leapt out of bed.
Mycroft's nanny shook his shoulder.

"Mycroft....Myc, come on, wake up, you have school dear"

"Go away"

"Mycroft, up, now!"
Mrs. Hudson said, or, rather, demanded one last time before leaving. Mycroft allowed himself a smile. He got to see Gregory today.
Mycroft stopped.

'What if he doesn't want to see me? After all, I did sleep with him...what if he hates me?'
Mycroft's smile left his face. He slowly trudged down the steps to greet Mrs. Hudson, whom had already prepared coffee and a muffin for him. He gladly took the coffee, but passed on the muffin.

"Goodbye, dear. Have a lovely day"

Mycroft dragged his feet as he left. He climbed inside the car and drove off with a heavy weight in his stomach.
Greg hopped on his bike, waved bye to his mum, and started off towards school, feeling like the world had brighter colours.

About 30 minutes later, he pulled up next to a Tesla, new, fresh off the lot.

Greg was breathless. He stood in awe of the pristine, beautiful car.

"Like what you see?"

A familiar voice called from the courtyard. Greg smiled and looked up at Mycroft walking over to him. Mycroft gave him a warm smile.

"She's a beauty, isn't she?"


"So...about the other night...I'm sorry."

A tense silence filled the morning air.


Mycroft almost jumped when Greg spoke.

He trailed off. Greg leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I've got to get to class, but I still need your number!"

Greg ran off, leaving Mycroft in a dazed state.
y'all please stop with the spn comments like deadass i don't even watch that show anymore i wrote this three years ago and it was the only car I could think of on the fly like I know where the car is from please stop and it's the part with the most comments I'm highkey considering taking it out entirely because that's the only comment i get anymore is "oMG Is tHat SUPeRnAtuRAl?¿???¿" sorry if this seems rude its just frustrating when the most comments you get on a story isn't even related to the story itself

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