Bouncers, Anus Burners, and Blondes

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I had just come out of The Closet.

No not figuratively, literally. The Closet is a gay bar downtown. No joke. I came out of the figurative closet a long time ago. I told my parents I was bi and they took it amazingly.

I was at The Closet to see if I could pick somebody up but in all honesty no one caught my eye. So now I was making my way to Bottom Feeders, the best local gay club around.

Reason being My best mate Louis dragged me out of bed and threw a button up, skinny jeans and a snapback at me giving me a list of places to go tonight, and I've got to say he does have a sense of humor.

I had already been to 6/7 not spending too much time at any one of them.

☒ Head hunters
☒ The Cockpit
☒ Lés Bós (actually a lesbian bar he put on there as a joke, ha.ha.)
☒ Nuts and Butts
☒ The Manhole
☒ The Closet
☐ Bottom Feeders

Lou said and I quote "Get your lazy weed smelling arse up and go find a guy with a better one. It's time for change."

So here I am hitting up bars with Louis texting me every hour (on the hour) trying to find a guy with a Louis approved ass. And he has pretty high standards considering his well endowed behind.

Okay so Bottom Feeders wasn't that bad. The bouncer out front was hot as fuck so at least that was a plus right? I took a quick stalker picture and sent it to Louis knowing he'd be happy with the shot.

To: Lou😈

*picture* So I'm still in line and there's already a hot guy nice choice mate

I was slowly moving up the line when I got a text back

From: Lou😈

Zayn get that boys name/number and tell him to meet me here pls

Good to know I'm not the only one drooling

To: Lou😈

Hmm I'll think about it, maybe you should've come with me instead of kicking me out

From: Lou😈

Trust me I'm regretting that decision as we speak

I chuckle a bit and respond quick since I'm getting to the front of the line

To: Lou😈

As we text***

From: Lou😈

Stfu and don't forget his number

I was next in line so I clicked my phone off shuffled up to the guy I've been texting over.

"Card," he was very professional.

"You really think I'm under 18 mate?" He didn't budge so I handed him my I.D. "What's your name?" He pointed to the name tag on his shirt.


"Okay then Harry, here's the deal, can I have your number?" Harry just quirked an eyebrow up at me in question and continued to look at my I.D. even though he obviously got the information he needed already.

"Look," I said getting on my phone, "If it makes you feel any better it's not for me it's for my mate Louis." I showed him a picture of me and Lou and he seemed more interested at that point.

"Nice arse," he mumbled. I rolled my eyes smirking at the comment. "Yeah I know right? So do you want to help me avoid the wrath that is Louis Tomlinson am give me your number?"

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