Slammin Doors & Flat Tours

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This apartment screams Zayn to me (at least Him in this story)

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Z a y n

We got to the door and I suddenly remembered how horribly messy my flat actually was. My eyes widened slightly and I froze.

"Uh give me, give me like five minutes," I rushed out and opened the door in record speed, slamming it back in Niall's face before he could see anything. I'll probably regret that later but right now I have other things to worry about. Other things like the leftovers on the table and the art supplies scattered all over the place. I ran around he place like a mad man desperately attempting to clean a portion of the mess that is my flat at the moment.

Finally when I thought it looked half way decent I re-opened the door and saw a confused looking Niall who smiled when he saw me.

"Yeah sorry bout that," I breathed out slightly panting from my impromptu workout. I don't normally run.

"S'okay," he laughed, "what were ya doin in there anyway?" He was smirking at me and I caught the innuendo so I rolled my eyes. "Cleaning up, get your mind out of the gutter!" We both shared a laugh at this and my heart was just going to be completely melted by the end of the night with that smile. "Okay well uh c'mon in."

I opened the door for him and he walked inside me locking the flat behind him.

My flat had brick walls and was very open. Most people say its huge but I like the word spacious. there's a spiral staircase going up to the second floor area which was mainly my bedroom and the guest with a little carpeted area that I made a little den space.

"Whoa..." Niall whispered mainly to himself.

"Okay not to be rude but how much exactly do you make a year?" At this I laughed looking back to Niall who was apparently dead serious because he was staring back at me.

"Oh wait were you actually serious?" He just stared back for three seconds until his eyes stared to crinkle at the sides and he busted out a face splitting grin he could hold no longer. I heard my favorite song, my blonde's laugh.

"Okay so I think you owe me from the little door slamming incident so how about a tour?" He asked biting his lip at the end. Biting his lip. Did he just. those lips, I just want to taste them. I bet they're just as sweet as him. I couldn't help but stare at those pretty plump pieces of perfection. "Zaaayn," Niall singsonged, "your gonna have to stop zoning out on me!" He was waving his hands in front of my face and doing the thing. You know the melting my heart thing. The warming my soul thing, aka giggling. I snapped out if it but I'm sure the sparkle didn't leave my eyes.

"Sorry but I can't help it when you bite that pretty little lip of yours babe," I winked watching as his eyes widen slightly right before his cheeks turn pink. "Just give me that tour idiot," he grumbled to the ground trying to hide his rudy cheeks.

"Why do you want one it's only one night?" I was secretly hoping he was planning on coming back.

"Well first off it's the right thing to do, your a horrible host so far by the way with the slamming of doors and not offering tours, haha I rhymed..." I smiled fondly at the blue eyed lad in front of me. Only half paying attention and fully paying attention to the way his eyes lit up and he had a ghost of a smile on his lips as he unconsciously rambled. "...But mainly cos your house is goals so move it let's get this going!" He was pushing me and grinning at his own actions.

"Okay. Okay! So on the right you'll see my very neat kitchen. Only being neat due to the fact that I can't cook to save my life," Niall chuckled at this and continued to follow me. "And over here you'll notice a bookshelf full of things I've already read and others that I will soon. My to-read list is really too long..."

"And now for the much anticipated, very sophisticated spiral stairs," I bowed, "ladies first." I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes even though he complied.

In all honestly I just wanted a look at his arse. Not even sorry about that cos the views great.

Before I got upstairs I heard Niall scream. I bolted up the rest if he stairs taking them by twos to see what was wrong with my boy.



"Wait what?!" I heaved after finally reaching the second floor. "Your not hurt?"

"No but you will be if we aren't watching Netflix in the next 10 minutes." he warned trying to look intimidating Which didn't work. At all. He was too little. Too cute.

I grinned at him, "The pillows and blankets are in the closet on the left in the hall you can grab my duvet from my room and I'll have Netflix on by the time you come back."

"YOU BETERRRR," he calls out as I see that cute little arse running down the hallway and turning a corner.

I smiled to myself laughing and wondering how I managed to meet such an adorable leprechaun.


Not edited so probably mistakes sorry




okay I'm so done with the amount of times I had to change apartment to flat lol.

I love you guys so much thank you for reading❤️❤️

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