Spill The Syrup

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{Goal: 30 votes 20 comments } it's a big jump but I know y'all can do it❤️

New cover by the amazing bluemojis



N i a l l

So Zayn got lucky and had netflix on by the time I got back to the room. We watched "The Dark Knight" with Chris Bale and Heath Ledger because Heath is a perfect joker, fight me.

After my complete indulgence with the movie and shushing Zayn every time he tried to make conversation, especially when Heath was on like please have some respect for the man he won a damned Oscar for this shit.

But now, sadly, the movie is over and were looking for our next item.

"I didn't know you were so into the joker," Zayn chuckled.

" Correction, not the joker, Heath as the joker"

He just smiled, "Cute."

I just changed the topic. "What's next?" I questioned. "Hmmm what are you in the mood for? Rom com, Horror, Drama, Action..."

"Not really sure, horror kinda sounds good though."

...and the infamous Malik smirk returns, "I know just the thing."

Four hours later I'm absolutely hooked on American Horror Story. We tested the first three seasons and I became obsessed with Coven. Not that the others weren't great but I mean, Emma Roberts, c'mon.

"Just one more episode. Pleaseeeeee?" At this point I was begging because Zayn wouldn't put on another episode.

"You need your sleep love," he yawned.

"Screw beauty sleep I wanna watch AHS."

"I said sleep not beauty sleep. Your gorgeous enough Niall but you do need your rest. Didn't you say you had Uni tomorrow? Well, today."

"Yes but I'll make it, my first class isn't even until late! This is more important," I said whining.

"Even though you may think so it's not." Zayn got up and powered off the console turning off Netflix with it.

"Nooooooooo," I cried.

"Your being quite melodramatic your acting as if you just lost your only child," the man stated with a chuckle.

"I did her name was Madison, also known as Emma Roberts."

"Really? Cos I'm more of an Even Peters fan myself," he mused, "Alright then let's get to bed NIALL we've both got things to do tomorrow."

"Yeah well so did Kyle," I mumbled

I woke up in the guest bedroom to the smell of coffee. Ew.

I walked down the spiral staircase thinking about how I'm gonna have to get me one when I reach the first floor. Zayn stood behind the island in boxers and a t-shirt with what I'm assuming is an apron on since I can only see his back. I can't help but giggle at the thought which causes the humming man to turn around looking shocked.

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