I'll Take It Teddy Bear

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This is WAYYYY over due you guys are too good to me I love you guys so much!

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Z a y n

I just want him to be mine.

I couldn't help but daydream about Niall on my way home. It's become my new favorite pass time.

Although I new it was the afternoon I needed coffee. This morning (well, morning for me and Ni) I didn't get to drink as much as I would've liked to after Niall said he didn't like the smell. I finished my first cup and pouted out the rest because I didn't want him to be uncomfortable. He needed to feel at home.

And I needed caffeine.

So I made my way over to Coco bean, my favorite little café.

When I walked in it didn't surprise me that there weren't many people in here considering the time of day. There was one couple sitting at one of the tables and I smiled, they were cute. But me and Niall would be cuter.

There were a couple more college age looking teens but other than that, no one really.

I went up to the counter to place my Oder and waited. This place was nice because you got to watch them make the coffee and they taught the employees to make the coffee art stuff.

All in all it's was very quaint, which is why I loved it.

I grabbed my mug after it was done returning a polite smile to the seemingly sweet girl behind the counter.

I strode over the a table by the window. The couple on the other side of the room and a collage age boy a few tables across from me.

He had coco brown hair sticking out of his cap. HA like the coco bean. I'm funny.

He had a beanie on and glasses kind of like mine. He looked quite adorably nerdy hunched over his book with a laptop by his side.

I loved people watching while I came here so me admiring this kid was normal for me. But apparently not for him. You see most people that come in here either just look away weirded out and I just don't look again or all I have to do is offer them a warm grin and they'll let it go. I chose the latter with this boy.

He looked as if he froze for a minute. Big eyes like Bambi, a deer in headlights, and he quickly looked back down at his book.

His eyes were as brown as the coffee in my hand.

I chuckled at the cute reaction.

I still can't believe that I can have this affect on people. It's weird. I mean I use it to my advantage but it's weird.

I sipped my coffee still gazing his way, and I could tell he knew I was, he just refused to look up at me. For a while I just watched his body language amused.

Every once in a while I would look back out at the sky watching as it tried so hard not to rain. The clouds about to burst.

The last time I did this I felt some mocha eyes on me. So I quickly turned my head, only to see a grey beanie.

I grinned wide looking back out the window, also using my peripheral vision this time only to see a certain bookworm's eyes on yours truly.

So this was a little game. A cute little game for two coffee lovers. I'm down.

I turned again trying to catch him this time with no avail. I looked away a few more times until I finally locked eyes with the stranger.

And boy were those the softest brown eyes I've ever seen.

Right then and there I could tell he was so compassionate. The eyes were a dead give away.

He seemed like the person the would bring you blankets and movies and soup while you were sick. The kind who remembers your order at your favorite place. The type of guy who cares for everyone not expecting anything in return.

A big teddy bear.

And after thinking that I could not help but break out in a toothy smile. It just creeped its way up my face an infectious little thing apparently. Because after a bit those sweet eyes crinkled and I got a toothless smile in exchange.

But I'll take it.

I'll take being The object those eyes held instead of that book.

Because it's a start.




Who do you think the boy could be?

Was this sucky?

Cos I apologize for filler.

More ZIALL in the next chap hang in there with me guys

Thank you for reading

You are all amazing I love you❤️

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