Chapter Two

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When I finnaly regained consciousness I couldn't see a thing. My eyes burned and all I saw was black.

I felt myself lying on a soft surface, and I noticed I could move again. I clenched my fists and felt fabric. I was in a bed.

I went to sit up and I immediately heard movement around me.

"Who are you?" I heard a males voice shout.

"Where am i?" I asked, ignoring the person's question. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm not telling you anything until you answer my question." He said. I let out a sigh. I wasn't in any position to challenge anyone when I couldn't see.

"My name is Mary Stacy." I said calmly. "I can't see anything." I said as i brought my hands to my face.

"Look at me." He said.

"I just said I can't see." She said, annoyed. She heard someone walking towards her and felt someone grabbing her shoulders.

"I promise I'm not here to hurt you! I was sent here by Harry Osborne! If I'm where I think I am, I'm from a different universe. A universe where Harry Osborne dad died because of me and he went mad, made this weird machine and blasted me here into this universe so he could take his father from this universe." I said.

There was nothing but silence. The man's grip on my arms loosened and he let go of me.

"Who are you?" I asked anxiously. I felt someone touch my wrist and run their thumb over my web socket.

"I'm Peter Parker." He said calmly. "I'm Spiderman." He added. I froze.

Harry said that I'd be sent to another universe similar to ours, one with a different 'storyline'. Just like I was Spiderwoman in my universe, Peter parker was Spiderman in his.

"I'm Spiderwoman." I said quietly.

"Prove it. " Peter said. "Just so I can be sure you're not lying." He said. I sighed.

"Point my arm at a blank wall." I said. I felt him grab my arm and adjust it so it was pointed in a certain direction. I aimed my wrist and shot a web. I felt Peter flinch as my web hit a wall.

"Holy crap." He muttered. "You're Spiderwoman." He said in disbelief. I nodded.

"Osborne disappeared an hour ago, around the same time this huge and ridiculously bright light appeared in the sky. Everything began shaking and my spidey sense led me to you." He said. I frowned.

"You call it your 'spidey sense'?" I asked with a smile smirk.
"You have one too?" He asked eagerly. I nodded.

"Yeah, but I don't call it my spidey sense. I call it my sixth sense." I said through a small laugh.

"Woah." He said in a whisper. "The bright light from your entrance must've temporarily blinded you." Peter said. "I'm sure you'll get your vision back within a day." He said. "I like your suit." He said. I smiled.

"Thanks." I said. I ran a hand through my short blonde hair. "Where am I?" I asked him.

"Well I found you down in the sewers. At first I thought you were a giant lizard, and then I saw you were just a girl. I brought you back to my house. You're in my room right now." He said. I frowned.

"How could you possibly mistake me for a giant lizard?" I asked.

"It's a long story." He said through a chuckle. "Do you know who your parents are?" He asked. I frowned and shook my head.

"They disappeared when I was a baby. I live with my aunt and uncle." I said. He didn't respond right away.

"Same. Except I was 6 when they left." He said. I nodded.

"Peter, you have to help me get back to my world." I said as I grabbed his hand. "Are you smart?" I asked. He cleared his throat.
"Depends on the subject." He said.

"What about physics?" I asked.

"I know the basics." He said. I let out a sigh. The basics weren't gonna be enough. We were gonna need someone who knew the in's and out's of space and time, which was not us. 

"Harry said my cells are gonna start to painfully deteriorate, eventually killing me. The good news is he said it would be a slow death, so we have time." I said.

"Before you said you killed his father. How?" He asked.

"I didn't kill him. His dad turned into this weird possessed guy called green goblin. Essentially he had two split personalities, a good one and an evil on. He rode around on this weird spiky glider. He was standing in front of me, and then my sixth sense started to tingle and I jumped out of the way just in time that I missed his glider, which would have sliced me in half but instead got him." I explained. "I brought him back to his house and was laying his body in his bed when Harry walked in and spotted me. My mask had been torn from the fight and he saw my face." I explained. "Harry and I were dating at the time." I muttered.

Peter was silent.

"Wow." He finally said.

"Harry always blamed me for killing his dad. He ended up going insane." I said. Peter squeezed my hand.

"Peter! Dinner is ready!" I heard a woman's voice call.

"Crap! That's my aunt." He moumbled. I felt Peter drop my hand and walk across the room and then open a door. "I've got a lot of homework to do, I'll eat later." He called. I heard the door shut again and felt him sit back down next to me. "How long do we have to get you back?" Peter asked. I shrugged.

"As long as I'm alive I guess." I said.

"That really narrows it down." He said sarcastically. I smiled smally. "We can't do anything until you get your sight back. "My suit is blue and red." He said randomly. I smiled.

"We'll have to have a fashion show." I said, making him laugh.

"I'm sure we can find the time."

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