Chapter Four

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Peter and I swung to the spot where the 'meteor' fell, which ended up being another ally. The two of us quietly crept down the ally searching for the new arrival. 

"There." peter pointed. There was a big person in a red and yellow metal suit. They had a metal helmet on so I couldn't see their face, but he laid on the ground seemingly unconscious. 

"Is he dead?" I asked. Peter shrugged.

"You were unconscious when you showed up." Peter said. I nodded and approached and person. I nudged their arm with my foot and they still didn't move. "Let's bring him back to Oscorpe." He said. I nodded and peter and I picked up the person and swung back to Harry. 

We laid the man down on the couch and stared at him in silence.

"What do we do?" Peter asked. I shrugged.

"I think the suit is tacky." Harry said.

"It is not!" The person inside the suit shouted. The three of us jumped back in surprise and Peter shot a web at the man so he couldn't get up. "What the heck is this?" That man asked in disgust as he examined the webs on his hand.

"Who are you?" I asked him. The man hit the side of his helmet with his free hand and his helmet folded into his suit. He was probably in late forties early fifties. He had messy brown hair, a goatee and a snotty look about him.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask that." He said. He pointed his free hand at his trapped hand and used some sort of laser to get it off. He shook of his hand and rose to his feet, the three of us watching intently. The man looked around and frowned. "where am I?" he asked. 

I crossed my arms. 

"Oscorpe tower." Harry said. The man made a face.

"Did it work?" He asked. 

"Did what work?" Peter asked. The man looked around confused. he turned his attention to Peter and I and looked at us like we were clowns.

"Who are you?" He asked. 

"Spiderman." Peter said.

"Spiderwoman." I said. The man nodded and raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down.

"And you think my suit is tacky?" He said to Harry. 

"Who are you?" I demanded. The man looked at me with a frown and rolled his eyes.

"I'm Iron man, the guy who just flew an atomic bomb into the sky to save all of New York." He said.

"Yeah, and I'm God." Harry said sarcastically. 

"I don't have time for this." The man said and began walking towards the balcony. I quickly shot a webs at his feet so he couldn't move. He looked down at his feet and then at me. "What do you want?" He asked, frustrated.

"Tell me your name." I said. He sighed and shook his head.

"I'm Tony freaking Stark." He said, as if it were obvious. He stared at us as if he were waiting for us to act like we knew him. "You know...billionaire genius playboy philanthropist." He said. I glanced at Peter. "You don't know who I am?" He asked flatly. 

"I should be asking you the same question." Harry said. Tony scoffed. 

"I'm with the avengers." Tony said. I shook my head.

"Tony Stark, we have some news for you." I said. "You've been brought to a different dimension." I said. He made a face.

"What?" He asked. How many times was I gonna have to explain this? I told Tony the story of Harry and how he opened a hole in the space time continuum and pretty soon we would both die. When I finished he had a blank expression. 

"Do you know anything about quantum physics?" Peter asked. Tony's gave switched between Peter and I. 

"Take off those stupid masks." He said, ignoring Peter's questions. I rolled my eyes and Peter and eye tore off out masks. He nodded when he finally saw our faces. "Let's see, do I know anything about quantum physics? Uh, yes. yes I do. I pretty much know everything there is to know." He said. I smirked.  "I also know, that your little ex boyfriend belongs in a mental hospital." He said. I nodded.

"Tell me something I don't know." I moumbled.

"Not until you get these webs off me." He said. 

"They should dissolve in a few hours." Peter said. Tony rolled his eyes and lasered the webs of himself. 

"The reason I'm here is because your little evil genius didn't close the rip in the space time continuum. Space is constantly expanding and accelerating, the same as everything else in the universe, as well as the space time continuum. That tiny rip has expanded into much more serious. If we don't close that hole soon, all the dimensions will collide with each other, resulting in the end of the world...or worlds." He said. 

Peter rubbed his chin awkwardly.

" how do we fix that." He asked. Tony nodded his head as if he were thinking and contemplating something. 

"You wouldn't happen to have a few million dollars lying around?" He asked. Harry raised his hand.

"I can help with that." Harry said. Tony nodded.

"Awesome. Second off, I am gonna need a change of clothes because I am not wearing anything underneath this suit." 

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