Chapter Three

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It was the next day and I was starting to get my vision back. I could see light and the outline of things, but not the details of things. I could see that Peter was tall and had dark hair and light skin, but I couldn't see his face.

Peter and I were up till three in the morning comparing our lives, universes, and the different crimes we've solved. Peter said he got his powers by breaking into a lab and finding this huge wall of spiders. He said they all fell on him and he thought he shook them all off, but apparently one stayed on him and bit him in the neck. He showed me how he made his webs, and I showed him how i naturally produced my own. 

He told me about the mad scientist that turned himself into a giant lizard(It was in fact a long story), the man made out of electricity. 

He told me how he was eighteen too, and that he liked photography skating. 

I told him my story too. I told him how when I was 16 I was in a back ally of the subway with some of my friends and we were spray painting one of the walls and a spider landed on my hand and bit me. I didn't think much of it at the time, but clearly the spider was pretty screwed up.

I told him the whole story of green goblin, and Doc Oc, and then the weird sandman guy. 

I told him the whole story between me and Harry too. Peter mentioned how him and Harry(his Harry) used to be best friends when they were younger. 

I told him I was in a band, and how I'd been taking ballet since I was eight, and how I loved guitar. My favorite artist was Eminem, my favorite color was green, and my favorite food was cheeseburgers. He said his favorite food was cheeseburgers too, and Eminem was indeed the best rapper out there. 

Morning came around and he had to leave for school. He'd given me a shirt of his and a pair of his boxers to wear. He'd created a manual lock for his door, so he said his aunt wouldn't be able to get in the room and id be safe if I stayed put.


An hour later I fully regained my vision. It was a relief to finally know and see my surroundings. 

I had been surfing the web on Peters laptop for about three hours learning everything I could about this new world, when finally my sixth sense tingled, signaling Peter was home.

I heard Peter running up the stairs and I pulled the lever that unlocked the door, eager to see his face. Peter burst into the room out of breath with a smile on his face.

"I can see!" I shouted the second he closed the door. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"You can?" He asked. I nodded eagerly and grabbed his arms.

"I can! I can see! I see you, I can see you..." I said, my voice trailing off as I looked him in the eyes. He had honey brown eyes and fluffy dark hair. He had a beautiful bright smile.

"And do you like what you see?" He teased. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes." I said. He smiled without his teeth and we kept our eyes locked together. It was the strangest thing I had felt. There was a connection, a warmth, radiating off him. I let go of his hands(that I just realized I had been holding) and sat back down at his computer. 

"Alright, if we're gonna building a machine that can teleport us through dimensions, we're gonna need someone smart, smarter than us, someone who knows physics." I said. Peter nodded and hovered over my shoulder and stared at the computer screen. "In my universe, Norman has a son, Harry, and he also has a son named Harry in yours. My Harry was a genius, he had to be if he was gonna blast me to a different dimension. I've gathered everything I could find on your Harry and it seems like he's our best bet at getting me out of here." I said. I spun around in the chair and looked up at Peter who wore a slight frown.

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