Chapter Five

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Twenty-four hours had come and gone

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Twenty-four hours had come and gone. There hadn't been any new arrivals and I was yet to experience any side effects from being in a different dimension. 

Me, Peter, Harry, and Tony spent all day working in an Oscorpe lab working on equations that would allow us to travel through dimensions. It was harder than it seemed, and it seemed really hard. 

I was sitting on top of the empire state building in my suit with my mask off, looking down at the city below. It was like looking down at the stars. All of it was mine to swing through.

I felt a slight buzzing in my brain and suddenly Peter was next to me in his suit. I smiled smally.

"How'd you find me?" I asked looking over at him. He tore of his mask and grinned at me.

"Spidey sense." He said with a wink. I chuckled and turned back to the city. "You seem tired." He said as he dangled his feet over the edge of the building like me.

"I am tired." I admitted. He nodded. I felt Peter staring at me and I looked over at him. 

"You have really pretty eyes." He said quietly. I smiled and felt myself blush. 

"You have a really pretty smile." I told him. He smiled and stared at me with dewy eyes. I bit my lip climbed in front of him so I had a hand on each side of him holding myself up as my body dangled in the air. He looked down at and swallowed hard. "Watch this." I whispered as I pulled my hood over my face.

I pushed myself off the building and flipped backwards so I soared to the ground head first. I was fall from one-thousand feet in the air. I closed my eyes as the wind flowed around me like I was floating. I could probably fall for a minute before I hit the ground.

I opened my eyes and could no longer see Peter because I was so far away. I flipped myself up right, shot a we up at the tip of the building, and forcefully launched myself up in the air. I flew up like a dart, past Peter, and up above the building. 

I felt arms wrap around me and saw Peter was in the air with me. He wore his mask but I could still see his smirk as he wrapped an arm around me and I wrapped one of my legs around his waist. We began falling back towards the ground and I smiled as my blonde hair blew in my face. I pushed my hair aside and held on tightly to Peter as he shot webs and swung us through the bright city. 

I had butterflies in my chest and my feet tingled. 

Peter swung me around for ten minutes until he finally put me down in an ally where no one would see us. I did a little spin when I was back on the ground. I had a huge smile. I turned back to Peter, who was holding on tightly to a web and hanging upside down.

"Are you smiling?" I asked him. He nodded. I walked over to him so we were face to face. I pulled down his mask just over his mouth saw his beautiful smile. "Hopefully this doesn't break the space time continuum." I whispered as I leaned close to him.

I pressed our lips together and a warm buzz went off in my head. We got lost in the kiss and when I finally pulled away from him his lips were pink. Peter flipped himself right-side up and landed down on the ground. He pulled off his mask and pulled me in for another kiss.

"I don't want you to go." He whispered. 

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