(Chapter 2) The Initiation

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In Y/N's Mind/Dream

It was dark. Nobody was there, except for Y/N. There were some voices calling out to him. He was laying there in my middle of the dark room. Until he woke up. He realized where he was and shot up.

Y/N: What the- Where- Why- How-

The place start to light up for a bit. He found himself surrounded by nothing but ruins and ashes.

???: My my~ You're finally awake.

The voice sent a shiver down his spine. He turned to face the person who spoke and found someone that looks like a Grimm, someone with a long dress, black veins, red eyes but around them were covered in black, and white hair. He got up and stood on his feet.

???: It's nice to finally see you again my child.

Y/N: Wha-What are you talking about!?! Who are you!?!

???: My name is Salem. And you... are one of my creations.

Y/N: Wha-What the hell are you on about!?! I'm not one of your creations!!!

Salem: Oh don't worry. Soon or later you'll find out who you really are and who you really belong to.

Y/N: What is that supposed to mean!?! What do you even want and why are you in my head!?! I won't let you take- Ahhh!!!!

He starts to get headaches and he start to feel himself in pain. Salem just looks at him and chuckles for a bit. The pain wouldn't stop and he feels himself turning for some reason. His whole body becomes more like a humanoid version of a Grimm. When the pain stops he begins panting very hard. Salem gasped and then smiled at you.

Salem: Looks like your true self just awoken. Why don't you take a look of yourself in the mirror.

She snaps her fingers for a mirror to appear out of nowhere. He is still suffering from all the pain, he tried standing up only to fall to the ground. He crawled to the mirror and he saw himself or at least that's what he think. He had black veins on his face and his eyes turned the same color as hers. Horns came out of his head and spoke formed on him. A white skull covered half his face and one of his arms was changed into a Grimm arm. There were many other parts that were part Grimm as well. He couldn't believe it. Then he heard some panting, not from Salem, and not from him. He looked to see who it was and it was Desti. His sister was bleeding out, she was bleeding from her arm and is sitting up against a broken wall. She was staring at him, trembling, scared to even do anything. Salem smiled. While Y/N was in shocked. He tried to run to her only to be stop be stopped by himself. His body didn't move. He asked himself this in his thoughts...

Y/N: What the hell is going on... Why can't I move? My sister needs help...

Salem: Now if you would. Could you please finish off your sister. She'll only get in the way.

Y/N was in complete shock when he heard this.

Y/N: What!?! No!! I can't let that happened!! I can't lose any of my family members ever again!!

Y/N?: .... As you wish my Queen.

He spoke in a corrupted voice, but it wasn't him that spoke... something... SOMETHING spoke for him... and now... something is controlling him... He begins walking towards Desti. He tries stopping himself only for it to do nothing at all. He starts to pull out his weapon and when he finally got to her, she looks at him and felt betrayed... by her own brother. He pulls (W/N) above his head about to slash her. He looked down to find her crying and closing her eyes. Then he pulled (W/N) down and just when the blade met her, he woke up to the real world, gasping for air. He looks around and saw everyone. Some people were awake and some weren't. He tries to get up only to be prevented by something pressing him down. When he looks at what was on him, he found Desti on top. She was sleeping right on top of him. He then realized that she moved to sleep in his sleeping bag, which means they both were sleeping together either the full night or half the night. He heard some yawning next to him and found Roach waking up. When he was about to say something to him, he noticed Desti on Y/N.

A New Beginning  [Volume 1] (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader x MW)Where stories live. Discover now