(Chapter 7, Finale) Finding Blake

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Y/N's P.O.V

Ruby: Ohh... she's been gone all weekend....

Yeah... It's been a few days apparently. Right now. We are on the search for Blake. Uh. It's... It's taking a lot longer than we expected it to be.

Weiss: Blake's a big girl. I'm sure she can handle herself.

Yang: Weiss, come on. She's one of our teammates... and do you remember what he said.

Weiss then looks back at me. I stared at her with a confused look.

Weiss: I... didn't mean it in a bad way.

Y/N: Well. Either way she's our friend. Whether she's a White Fang or not.

Desti: Yeah, he's got a point. We've been with her for a while now.

Ruby: I just hope she's okay.

Y/N: She'll be fine Ruby. I'm sure of it.

We went around and begin call Blake's name.

Most of us: Blake!! Blake, where are you!

Weiss: ........ Uh.... B-Blake!!! Blake!

Y/N: Where can she possibly be?

Ghost: Who knows. Maybe fighting the White Fang.

Roach: We'll find her eventually.

Penny: And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful, today!

We gasped and all turned around to see Penny behind us as well as following us.

Ruby: Ahh!!! Penny, where did you come from!?!

Penny: Hey, guys. What are you up to?

Ruby: Uhhhh....

Y/N: We're looking for Blake. Have you seen her Penny?

Penny: Oh! You mean the Faunus girl?!

We looked at her confused.

Ghost: How do you know about that?

Penny: Uh... the cat ears?

She points to the top of her head. Here's the thing we have never saw her cat ears... only a bow.

Desti: But she wears a... bow...

Y/N: To cover up her ears of course so she doesn't get bullied and everything.

Ghost: Damn. Smart.

Roach: Hiding in plain sight.

Ruby: She does like tuna a lot...

Penny: So.... Where is she?

Ruby: We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.

Penny: *Gasp* That's terrible! Well, don't you worry, Ruby my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!

Ruby: Aw! That's really nice of you Penny, but uh... but we're okay... Really. Right guys?

Y/N: Right.

Roach: Affirmative!

I looked around. I noticed something odd.

Y/N: Wait... where did the others go?

A tumble weed was blown away.

Y/N: Well.... so much for sticking together. But it's probably best to split up and find her.

A tumble weed flies by again.

Penny: It sure is windy today.

Ghost's P.O.V

A New Beginning  [Volume 1] (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader x MW)Where stories live. Discover now