(Chapter 4) Learning Something New

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Y/N's P.O.V

The next day began, we had breakfast, we were sitting next to team RWBY and JNPR. We chatted, talked about what would Glynda's class would be like. We heard that there was gonna be a duel. Most of us can't wait to see it. Some of us were worried. And we heard it would be Jaune versus... Cardin... Oh... That's not gonna be good.... We were mostly worried about Jaune, but for Ghost he wanted to see some action. Not only that, I didn't get that dream with Salem this time. Weird. I was thinking about talking to Ozpin about my semblance... if it's really gone... After we finished eating breakfast. We went to Glynda's classroom and got ready to watch the duel. It didn't turn out great... Cardin was standing up straight with his mace on his left shoulder, while Jaune was panting heavily. Cardin laughed, then Jaune charged at him only for Cardin to dodge and let Jaune hit the ground. We see Jaune get flung from getting hit by the mace. Everyone gasped and reacted in a bad way.

Ghost: Bloody Hell. That's gotta hurt.

Y/N: Well... we got auras for a reason I guess. Not only that I'm pretty sure that thing is made out of titanium.

Ghost: What the fuck?!?

Roach: Focus.

We nodded. Then continued watching the fight. Jaune got up and started charging again. Cardin blocked it with the handle. Cardin then pushed back and he was now standing up straight again.

Cardin: This is the part... where you lose...

Jaune: Over my dead- Pugh!

We watched him get knee'd in the stomach. Cardin pulled his mace over his head aiming for Jaune. Then the buzzer went off.

Glynda: Cardin, that's enough.

We see Jaune's aura bar was red while Cardin's aura is barely scratched. She walks forward to all the other students.

Glynda: Students as you can see. Mister Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel. This will indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and the official will call the match. Mister Arc, it's been weeks now. Please, try to refer to your scroll during combat. Engaging your aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to get gobbled up by a Beowolf now, would we?

Cardin: Speak for yourself.

He puts his mace over his shoulder. Ghost and the rest of us did not like this guy.

Glynda: Remember everyone. The Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving at Vale. So keep practicing.

Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were excited, getting all hyped up about it. Some of us in my team were too.

Glynda: Those who choose to compete for the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale.

The bell rings. We were looking at Jaune. Still sad at the fact he can't handle on his own. Pyrrha and him both had disappointed face. We went to the cafeteria, talking about stuff, well that mostly Nora talking. Most of us were still worried about Jaune... except for Weiss of course. Heh. Always cold as always.

Third Person

Nora: So..... There we were in the middle of the night....

Ren: It was day...

Nora: We were surrounded by Ursa....

Ren: They were Beowolfs...

Nora: Dozens of them!!!

A New Beginning  [Volume 1] (Weiss Schnee x Male Reader x MW)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang