Chapter 1

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Sonic POV:

Sigh... I finally unpacked everything. My new home is now fully decorated and everything is placed. I'm living alone in a small house in a pretty good neighborhood. Mom said she would let me stay here alone because she trusted me enough. My siblings Sonia and Manic were sad seeing me leave tho lol. Being alone in a new country is different but I know I can manage I mean I know how to take care of myself and I can speak English perfectly.

-The Next Day-


Sonic: ughhhhhh it's already morning? What time is it... OH CRAP I OVERSLEPT

I quickly get dressed and run to school. Thanks to my super speed, I can get there in less than 5 minutes! I reach the school and see a small boy with orange hair wave at me, I walk over to him and look closer at him, he looks way younger, is he really a high schooler?

???: Hi! You're Sonic right? My name is Miles! Though my friends call me Tails.

Sonic: Hi Tails! And yes, I am Sonic. Are you here to show me around?

Tails: Yes, follow me!

Tails begin to show me around the school, the school looks very nice! He then takes me to my first class. As we enter, I notice everyone staring at me. Do I stand out that much?

Tails: Ok! Here's your first class! There's a guy here named Silver, he's my friend. He'll help you too so yeah, well bye see you later!

I nod and he leaves, I turn to see my teacher and she gives me a warm smile. She seems nice.

Teacher: ok guys! So we have a new student, her name is Sonic! She transferred here recently! Please be nice to her!

Sonic: Hi, my name's Sonic. Nice to meet you!

The teacher tells me to find a seat and I look around and notice a silver haired boy waving at me to sit next to him. Everyone stares at me as I walk to the empty seat. I sit down and I see everyone still staring.

???: Hi Sonic! I think Tails told you about me right? I'm Silver.

I look to the person next to me, so this is Silver. He seems nice. As I greet Silver we suddenly get interrupted by the teacher,

Teacher: Shadow, Mephiles, Rouge, and Scourge. Of course, you guys are late as always! Go sit down now.

I look at the people who got here late, they all seem to stand out, especially the one with black and red hair. As he walks to a seat , all the girls are giving him those lovey-dovey eyes. They're probably the popular kids.

-time skip-

It's finally lunch time! I go with Silver and Tails and sit with their friends, Amy, Blaze, Espio, Knuckles and they seem cool. We all got along easily and it seems like I share classes with all of them! As we were all talking, I notice the black and red-haired guy from before was staring at me. I tried to ignore it but it was kinda weird.

I get up and leave the cafeteria telling my new friends that I wanted to go explore the school since we still have time. As I walk through the halls, I find the music room. It seemed abandoned though but I enter anyways. I look around and see a piano there. I begin to play on it and zone out a bit while playing. When I finish playing I hear clapping which startled me and notice the black and red haired guy standing there.

???: That was beautiful.

Surprised, I stopped playing and begin to blush out of embarrassment from not noticing him enter the room earlier.

Sonic: Woah I uh didn't notice you there! um, how long were you standing there?

???: Probably around the time you started.

Sonic: *embarrassed* I'm sorry I didn't notice you that whole time!

???: It's cool. My name's Shadow by the way. If you don't mind. can you keep playing?

Sonic: Um... My name's Sonic, and sure.

I begin to play again and Shadow continues to watch me play. He smiled through the entire song which was comforting to me. We stay there for the whole lunch period and when it was time to go, Shadow walks up to me.

Shadow: Again, Sonic, that was beautiful. It's been forever since anyone has gone here to play music. I usually come here to get away from it all. 

Sonic: Ah I understand that... Sometimes you just wanna be alone for a bit hehe!

Shadow: *chuckles* Yes that's very true. Say, you should come here to play more often. I'd love to hear more of your beautiful music. *winks* *leaves*

Shadow left the music room immediately after saying that. I felt odd. Through all my years of performing as an Idol, I've never felt such a strong desire to play for only one person.

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