chapter 7 (part 1)

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Shadow Pov:

Sonic: Hey Shadz should I get the cotton candy or the gummy bears?

Shadow: Whichever one you like.

Sonic grins and takes both of them and runs to the counter where all the sweets she gathered are on there.

Employee: Ok that'll be $75

Shadow: 75? uh Sonic, that's too expensive for all this.

Sonic: Nah that's nothin'! Here dude, $100. And keep the change!

I'm shocked. I've never seen anyone pull up 100 and then let them keep all the change like that. And it seems like the employees were just as confused. As we leave, Sonic looks at me with a confused expression.

Sonic: Shadow, why do you look so surprised?

Shadow: It's nothing. I just never thought someone would just hand over $100 like that.

Sonic: Oh, well it's no biggie I mean it's just $100.

$100? ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS? Dude, she must crazy!

We leave the store and go to another store to get some video games. I spot the newest PS5 and Xbox series x and Sonic looks excited about it.

Shadow: Wow they're almost never in stock. Too bad I can't get those right now.

Sonic: Oh really? Well, I could get them for you. It's no biggie!

Sonic then proceeds to take both the PS5 and the Xbox to the cash register including some games for both consoles. If the candy wasn't already a shock, this one's just on another level.

Employee: Ok, that'll be $1000

Shadow: Sonic... We don't have that kinda money.

Sonic: That's nothin'

Sonic pulls out a black card and gives it to the guy. We're both in shock. Where did she even get all this money????? Like no teenager would ever have this much. This is in-fucking-sane!

We both leave again with all that stuff and Sonic is more confused at me.

Sonic: Shadow, you look like you're about to faint. Are you okay?

Shadow: ok? OKAY?! Sonic, you literally just pulled out a black card like it was nothing! Having that kinda card means you're rich! How?

Sonic: Ohhh. uhhh, I-uhh. My...Mom! yeah-um, I stole my mom's card! hahahahahahahaha.....

Shadow: That's an obvious lie. Be honest, please?

Sonic: I'll tell you when we get to your place...

-At Shadow's House-

As we drop off all the things we bought for the sleepover, I see Sonic begin to set up both consoles in the living room.

Shadow: Sonic, can you explain it now?

Sonic: uhhh, so Ummm...basically, I have all this money because... Myparent'sarerichandtheygavemeacardtobuystuffhere!

I got most of that... So her family is rich. Well, I mean it explains it but just cuz she's rich doesn't mean she isn't interesting without it.

Shadow: Ok, well, I'll help you set them up so we can get to playing games quicker.

And with that, we set up both consoles and once we finish, we play just dance 2022. Sonic kept on getting perfects but it seems like the dances are her own. She's very talented, that's for sure. I was getting pretty good scores but compared to her, I was pretty bad.

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