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Hey guys! So I just wanna say that I've updated the early chapters and there might be some confusion over some things so I'll just explain the major changes I made to the story.
1 Scourge isn't dating Sonic's brother, Manic (yet)
I wanna flesh out some more characters like Sonic's siblings and Scourge. In other words, Scourge and Manic have crushes on eachother since they've been still in touch. I wanna develop their relationship rather than just make them flat out dating ∩(︶▽︶)∩

2 Why tf is the music room abandoned?
I noticed that the music room being fucking empty makes no sense so I better explained it. To put it simply, after Maria passed away, the music room's been abandoned due to the brothers feeling her presence in the room since she was the one who used it the most in the school. This is explained in the chapters but I know it also doesn't make sense why the rest of the school ignores it too. I'll never really explain it but i'll explain it here for those who wanna know more. Maria's death, which will be explained in later chapters, was such a shocking event the school abandoned the music room due to rumors of a "spirit haunting the music room".  The only ones who have the balls to go in that room are Shadow and Mephiles, but in secret. Sonic obviously has no idea so she goes in to practice music.
MUSIC IS A CLASS IN THE HIGHSCHOOL THO they just have the class in another room

This isn't really explained in the book cuz I don't really think much of it since the story is centered around the high schoolers buuut if it actually is a question you guys are asking then I'll answer it here.
Sonic's family lives in Japan. Sonic's status as an idol allowed her to move out of the country due to basically being a rich af from her idol work (and mom).
Shadow's and Mephiles' parents don't really live with them anymore. They take constant business trips and are basically gone. Maria used to take care of them until she died. Shadow and Mephiles have the support of their parents to be able to live well but they kinda have a small grudge against them both for basically neglecting them all their life.
Everyone else's family is normal lol

4. Is Sonic and Idol or a music producer?
This one's an extra thing i just wanna add here loll. Sonic is both an Idol and music producer. You can say she was the leader of her old idol group but was taken for granted because they overworked her into making her hate the industry and quitting. After the birthday party, she regained that old spark and decided to return but as a solo performer. She's still an Idol but she's like her own manager aswell.

Okay I think that's all I'd wanna clarify. I feel like stories need good context as to why everything is happening the way it is. I like consistency.

₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑ෆ⃛

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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