Episode 6: unOrdinary

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John POV (Sera in italic+quotes)

After we finished the movie, we went to Woaba Boba and discussed the movie for a while, and eventually got to talking about random things. But on the TV, the newsperson was discussing another EMBER attack, in very little detail, as usual.

"Hmmm... I wonder if EMBER has their eyes on anyone at Wellston."

"Well, I don't think so- because I don't think Wellston has vigilantes."

"This is probably a dangerous question to ask, but would you report me to the authorities if I said I'd read unordinary?"

"Me? No. Almost everyone else? Yes."

"I would answer the same. And just wondering, HAVE you?"

"... Well, my dad wrote it."


That drew some attention.

"Hey, hey, keep it down. Let's go to my house for a bit, ok?"

Sera looked very shocked- but she's allowed to be shocked after I told her my dad wrote unordinary.

~TS to John's house~

"So, just to clarify, I did hear you say your dad wrote unordinary, right?"


I then took the book off the shelf and showed her. If she was most anyone else, it might've been back to those "re-education classes" for me.

"Wow. So, uh, do you have multiple copies?"

"Nah, it's easier to hide just one in case there's an inspection or something."

"Has there ever been one?"

"No, but just in case. Have you read it?"

"Well, I wanted to at one point but it was so hard to obtain a copy, so I forgot about it. Could I borrow it and read it?"

"You can read it, but do it here- I don't want you to get caught with it. So no and yes I guess."

"That's fair."

She then went on the couch and read it. I think she used her ability to freeze the world or something while she read it, or accelerated time for her or something, because she opened the cover, and next thing I know she's done.

"Wow. That was... not what I expected, but I see why it is causing an influx of vigilantes. Did you ever want to become one?"

"No. I know why he wrote the book, so I was never really hit by that message- he actually wrote it because of me, after I got out of the classes."

"Oh. So, uh, do you want to go get some ice cream or something?"


~TS to Quairy Deen~

"I'll have a Triple Chocolate Scoop with a choco cone."

"I'll have a Double Grape with some mint,, on a regular cone."

Grape ice cream? Ay yi yi. Heh, you do you.

"Be right up!" Said the employee.

"Grape? Seriously?"

"What? I like grape. Also, grapes are purple- like my hair. And I ordered mint, like the yellow in my hair. So I'm hoping the ice cream will look like my hair because that'll be funny."

"Here you go!" Said the employee.

She was right, it did look like her hair. (lol) As I was licking my skyscraper of chocolate, she was licking the ice cream that looked like her hair, and that was funny to watch.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Well, it looks like you are licking your own hair!"

"Hehe... Mission success."

"So, how was your day?"

"Well, we saw a movie, finished our project, got attacked by a mysterious group, I found out your dad wrote unordinary, I read unordinary, and a few more things, so yea- good and bad."

"I have to agree with that statement. Also, you were going to say something in the car before we got attacked. What was that?"

"I was going to ask if you always had your ability, because I heard of someone at a school who got expelled for violence that was "Justified by revenge", so I was thinking if that was you."

"Yeah, it was. And no, I didn't. Now that I'm thinking about my cripple days, what if there were other kids at Well-"

"Wait, are you confirming that you were a cripple and then acting like it's not a big deal?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Sheesh. Talk about oblivious, that IS a big deal."

"Oh. Anyway, as I was saying-  maybe we could make a place at Wellston where we can just kinda do what we want? Maybe some sort of safe house?"

"I suppose that might be a good idea. Also what type of things would we have there, and who would we have help us?"

"I don't know, but we can figure that out tomorrow. I'll see you then.

"Sounds good, see ya 2moro!"

"Bye Sera!"

She then left, and I got ready for bed and went to bed. 'Twas another good day.

And that's a wrap! Sorry for the late upload, but I got a bit distracted. As you know, not my characters, they belong to uru-chan, yada yada. Cover pic by uwuzul, Supr out!

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