Boo yah Baby! Guess whose back or at least semi back XD

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Sup dudes and dudettes?! I’m finally back or at least til something tries to kill me again XD Anyway as far as life goes I have been ill since Halloween Last year. As I told you guys in my last update Doctors had no idea what was wrong with me so I’ve been in and out of the doctor’s office since then two weeks ago today I have been two week without a Doctors visit OuO and headache free so I can finally get back to work I’m healthy enough to get back to sports and I can look at a computer screen long enough to write more than just a few words (or have to push through to get homework done ^^” )! I’m so happy X3 I was at camp last weekend and the weekend before that so that’s why I didn’t get a chance to update before hand so anyway unless something else happens I should be able to get back to work pretty soon and start getting some updates up and running and get things going I’m done with chapter 15 of TFP  I just have to cut a few lines and add in the new ending then edit to get the effect I want Chapter 8 of Of Time Travel and Cucumbers is Done and I’m working on a new All In Entry just trying to find a good place to peg down! I had a lot of inspiration to write after camp this weekend just gotta get these note card finished and work on my term paper and outline done and I can work as much as I want on anything and I can finally draw and paint again OuO I’M JUST SO EXCITED!!!!!!!

Anyway I got a lot of new music for Christmas and I’m working on my first video game! Isn’t that awesome I’m trying to figure out how it works and also learn some coding and some other stuff too and trying to figurer out how to get a miku miku dance program and stuff so yeah gonna be busy and guess what you guys! I’m going to Alaska, Washington, and a whole bunch of other places over the summer! While I was sick I was on the grind to get into  two very big and prestigious  Scholarship Programs and I got accepted now I just gotta go and leave a good impression on the suits! How awesome is that?! I might even get to be selected to go on a trip to Florida and give a speech in front of a bunch of people! Isn’t that great I entered a few more speech giving contest but I only got fourth still good but still a loser Bb but you know just wasn’t meant to be XD anyway a lot of people have asked me what exactly was wrong with me and I guess I’ll just have to go down the list.

            To start things off I fell and tore two ligaments in my leg and chipped a bone about a week after that I started getting severe headaches and pain in my stomach and I had some dizziness after that  so they took me to the doctor thinking that when I messed up my leg I may of pulled something in my stomach or something like that and they thought I might’ve had so kinda head injury thing or something. It was nothing like that it turned out I needed Glasses so I got nifty new pair of those. People say I look like a hipster! XDD no idea what that is but anyway as for the stomach probs they said it was just muscle and I had to wade it out. Then I got bronchitis and was down with that for weeks because they gave me meds and I’d finish them and then two days after that I’d come down with it again so I had to get a new inhaler and a rescue inhaler to help prevent me getting sick  again but they still want me to be careful with the pollen and all because they don’t want me coming down with it again ^^ and that pretty much sums up my life all that’s really wrong now is sinuses and I have to take two inhalers a day to keep from getting sick  again but I’m gonna be K from what the docs say so I’m just gonna run  with it and hope nothing bad happens again Oh and I got cleared for sports then Tuesday last week they told me I’m not allowed to do anything again but I still have to attend games and stuff like I did for basketball -3- anyway guys love you!  God Bless and here are the updates

OTTAC 2p/ 1p Germany X reader :: Part 1 completed Part 2 coming soon should be out soon.


Chapter 15 complete

Chapter 16 coming soon

Memories of you:: Completed Sequel coming soon Preview posted

German bros X readers::

Don’t know if I wanna continue it or not I got the next part finished but no ones really gave it a look see. You tell me if I should finish it.

All in ::  Easter and Christmas  OuO

Ask Book:: is it worth it?

Hetalia X reader requests ::

Kamikaze songfic Japan x Reader ALMOST DONE

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