Life & Computer problems

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Hey guys! Von here! If you don't follow my life updates or pm me on a regular basis then you probably don't know why my updates have been so sporadic lately. So I suppose I'll put out thus PSA out just so everyone knows whats up ^^.

Ok so since school let out I have been traveling a lot and I mean a lot. week before last I was in Washington DC and the week before that I was in North and South Carolina so life has been kinda hectic. Last week I  burned my hands up with some chemicals so I haven't been able to work and then my computer crashed on me and I lost  almost all my work again. So I'm sorry for the wait I uploaded a small update on OTTAC just to make sure everyone knows it's still a working project thankfully I didn't lose anything on that so that should be out soon however I lost everything retaining to GOTR so that's gonna take a while longer to remember what I had done. The rest should be fine TFP is still a working progress still waiting on my pal Saige to send me some files if she doesn't with in the next week I'm just going to adlib because it's been nearly 6 months and I haven't made any head  way so oh well sorry for making you all wait for nothing it's been difficult for all of us.  As far as everything else goes though I have  a new story nearly done it's a new Transformers story so I hope you enjoy it and I hope to give you all another update by the end of the week right now though my computer is acting up so the hope is to get it to the geek squad tomorrow and upload stories by Friday so it's going to be slow going until that happens because I'm going to be working off my phone and tablet and for those of you who don't know I'm dyslexic and blind XDD double wammy!

By the way anyone catch the US women soccer team kicking butt and winning the world cup?!!! Bro I'm so proud of them right now it's not even funny! until next time my dearest ones Peace love and Joy! God Bless and if you have any questions requests or others wise Just pm me and I'll hop to it <3  Von

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