The Fire in the Northern Water Tribe

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(Y/n) stomped around her tent, there were already footprints from where she had paced. Over and over again. A lot of things seemed to make her mad these days.

Her parents had just announced that she would be married to some boy she had never met in ten days' time. They hadn't even bothered to give (y/n) his name. She hated her parents. She wished they would just die. She wished they would leave her on some street corner and never bother to talk to her again. She wished anything. She didn't care. She couldn't get married and she wouldn't be forced to marry some stranger now. She wanted to be in love and pick her own husband, not some grimy guy that would benefit her parents only. She didn't want to be a baby maker. An heir provider. She wanted to go down in history as a hero, not a wife.

She stopped in front of her table. The betrothal necklace lay there. It was pretty. The boy had put a lot of work into the carvings. It had three phases of the moon on it. The center one was the biggest and also a crescent moon.

(Y/n) picked up the necklace, tracing her thumb over the design. 

She reminded herself of what was actually happening. Her parents had her marrying a random guy just for political advantage. They didn't actually care about her nor her happiness. Plus, she wasn't even sixteen. "You're just a couple months shy so, by law, you can be married," her mother would always tell her.

She chucked the necklace back on the table and it snapped. Her stomach dropped. Her parents were going to kill her. Or punish her, she guessed. She made her way out of the tent and her parents were waiting there.

"Well?" her mom wondered.

"I am not marrying him. I don't love him and I never will. Tell him he can take his damn marriage and find another girl who cares more about money than her own happiness." She stomped off.

"(Y/n)!" she heard her mother scold.

She kept going. She could deal with the consequences later. Anger boiled in her stomach. 

How dare they. How dare they. She spread her arms wide and fire surrounded her. 

She was a fire bender!

(Y/n) could almost laugh. She jumped up and down in the snow. She was nothing like her parents. Thank heavens. She could be different than them. She could be so much stronger than them.

The realization hit her like a metal wall.

Her parents would have her killed or banished. The Fire Nation was the worst thing that had happened to the world and their tribe. Fire welders and Fire Nation citizens were seen as threats, only to be swiftly removed from this world.

And her parents had no doubt seen the fire that had spread through the air.

"Fire Nation attack!" her tribe called out. Her tribe, (y/n) reminded herself. As soon as she was married, she would also become Chieftan of the Northern Water Tribe. She had that going for her at least. But she had no doubt she would be seen as too weak and her husband would have taken over for her.

(Y/n) sighed, squaring her shoulders and making her way back to her tribe. "There is no Fire Nation attack." The people stared at her in horror.

"What do you mean?" one asked.

"We saw fire! That means that the Fire Nation is coming!" another added.

"We have to hurry. We can't listen to this foolish girl! She's out of her mind." The person gasped, "Maybe she has allied with the Fire Nation and is delaying us so they have more time to prepare!"

"Let her speak, you fools!" the oldest woman of the tribe called, smiling at (y/n).

"It was me," (y/n) announced.

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