The Lady of the Ship

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(Y/n) spun her hands around each other, inhaling and shutting her eyes. She let the power of her fire spread through her body. Like a water bender, Iroh had guided. Feel each bone, each muscle, each breath, and let your fire flow along with your normal functions, not against them. That's how you control lightning. If you're ever to go against Azula, you need to know how to work with that power. You cannot use your own lightning, it will kill both of you.

She threw her fire out. There was not an inch of anger in her bones but when she opened her eyes the target burned blue. (Y/n) smiled, planting her hands on her hips.

"What did you do?" someone asked behind her.

She spun, hands at the ready. A familiar smile met her gaze. She gripped her heart, "Heavens, a little warning?" she wondered.

He smiled wider, moving closer. He motioned his head towards the fire, "You gotta teach me that."

She chuckled, pressing a hand against his chest, "What the blue fire?" she teased, "That can't be taught, babe, it's... earned." His face fell before he grabbed her hips and spun her around. "What are you doing? What are you doing?" She was laughing, unable to catch her breath as he kept going, kept spinning. "Stop. Stop."

He put her down, tucking a piece of her fallen hair back. "What?" (y/n) wondered.

"I like seeing you happy," he told her. "Have you forgiven me yet?"

She scoffed, "Bringing that up again, Fire Lord?" she breathed, pressing herself close to him.

His golden eyes widened and he was just about to hold her tighter before she pulled away. (Y/n) worked on her forms again, closing her eyes and sucking in heavy breaths.

Hands wrapped around her hips. She smiled, "Don't distract me," she warned.

He hummed, "Haven't you trained enough?" he wondered, "Don't you want to go to bed..."

She opened her eyes, "Do you want me to do your hair?" she wondered, spinning on her heels.

His eyes lit up, "Would you?" he wondered, "Please?"

She sighed, spinning and throwing out her foot. All the targets that she had lined up were now burning, red.

"Why is it red?" Zuko asked.

She shook her head, grabbing the collar of his robe and pulling him along.


Someone burst through the door and Zuko groaned, sitting up. "Uncle, why are you waking us up so-" He froze, seeing Iroh's face. "What's wrong?"

(Y/n) sighed, sitting up, "We're being boarded," Iroh breathed.

"By who? Zhao?" Zuko wondered.

Iroh shook his head, "My brother."

"What?" (y/n) called. "Why? What does he want with his banished son?"

Iroh's eyes shifted to (y/n), "It isn't about Zuko," he told them, "It's about you. He knows you were taken. And he's done having two heirs who won't even listen to him."

"He can't have her again. He won't," Zuko growled.

"Move out of my way!" a familiar voice called upstairs.

"Now!" Iron scolded, running out.

Zuko jumped out of bed, pulling on his robe and grabbing (y/n). "What are you doing?" she asked. He pulled away the mat under his bed, revealing a latch. He yanked on it and it opened to a tiny room.

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