Chapter 1

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Michael's POV:

I head to the living room as I finish making dinner for my husband Eddie. I sit on the couch, waiting for him to arrive home from work. As I watch TV for about 15 minutes, he finally walks through the door

"Hi Honey, how was work?" I ask, attempting to give him a hug but he stopped me

"Terrible like always. I am not in the mood for a hug, did you make dinner yet?" He asks

"Yes honey I did, it's on the kitchen table".

Eddie sets his keys down on the coffee table and makes his way to the kitchen. As I sit back down on the couch to watch some TV, he comes back into the living room, looking upset

"What's wrong?" I ask

"I thought I told you I wanted Chicken and Mash potatoes!" He yelled

"No, you said Chicken and Macaroni and cheese"


"Oh, Honey I'm sorry I thought-" I was quickly interrupted by Eddie slapping me across the face, causing me to tumble to the ground

"I DON'T WANNA HERE YOUR DAMN EXCUSES" He screamed, grabbing me by my collar and pulling me up close to him

Tears are streaming down my face, he grabs my face, forcing me to look him in the eyes

"Go back into that kitchen, and make MASHED POTATOES, And Throw away the Mac and cheese Understand?" He growled

I quickly nod my head, pretty much begging him to let me go.

He grabs my hair and forces me into the kitchen. I quickly make the mashed potatoes, trying my best to hold back Tears.

I finally finish up the mashed potatoes, and put them onto Eddie's plate, making sure to throw away the Mac and cheese.

"TAKE THE GARBAGE OUT" Eddie yelled from the living room

"Yes honey" I respond, grabbing the trash can and making my way outside.

As I toss the trash bag into the dumpster outside, I notice my neighbor fixing up his car. I'm not sure who he is tho, but I've seen him fixing up his car since the day we moved in.

It was then that my neighbor spotted me, walking up to me within a few seconds

"Uh...hi, I hate to bother you, but do you by any chance have a wrench? I lost mine yesterday and I kinda need it to fix my car" he asked

"Oh um, I think so. It might be in the garage, let me go get it" I say, going to my garage and grabbing a wrench, trying my hardest not to be caught by Eddie

"Here you go" i say, handing him the wrench

"Thank you so much, I can finally get my car fixed".

He begins to turn around, but quickly faces me again

"By the name is Prince, it was nice meeting you" he says with a smile

"I'm Michael, it's a pleasure meeting you as well" I smile back

Prince then makes his way back to his car to fix it. I quickly go back into the house, hoping Eddie wasn't suspicious

"It took you that long to take out the trash?" Eddie asked

"Uh....yeah, the trash back wouldn't go in" I say

Eddie looked at me for a bit, before rolling his eyes and saying

"Whatever, I need you to go upstairs and wait for me. I had a long day, I deserve a reward" he says

I immediately look at him a bit disappointed, I kinda hate it when Eddie and I have sex, he's way too rough

"Ok" I say, making my way upstairs to our bedroom

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