Chapter 7

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Michael's POV:

I arrive at my mother's house, getting out of the car before knocking on her door. As she lets me in, we sit down in her living room

"So mother, what did you wanna talk to me about?" I ask her

"I saw the news, I was wondering if you and Eddie were ok" she said

"I'm fine, Eddie isn't really doing well tho, not that I care" I say

She looked at me confused

"What do you mean?" She asked

I took a deep breath, looking at her before saying

"Mother.....Eddie isn't exactly right to me" I say

"...I don't understand" she said, confused

"Mother, Eddie has been abusing me" I finally say.

She was silent for a moment, grabbing my hands and tears streaming down her face

"Michael long has that been going on?" She asked me

"Since we got married, and I've been dealing with it since then" I say

She squeezed my hand, crying a bit more

"Why haven't you said anything to anyone? This could've been avoid" she asked

"I-i don't know, I guess I was afraid of loosing him, i didn't wanna ruin our marriage" I say

My mother wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, shedding a few tears

"Michael...w-what things did he do to you?" She asked me

I didn't say anything at first, but I took a deep breath and soon spoke

"H-He tied me u-up and...a-and" I couldn't finish that sentence, I just began to cry uncontrollably, grabbing some tissues to wipe my face

My mother seemed a bit angry by what I said

"WHAT? He tied MY son up? That's just evil" she yelled

"I know mother, but...I'm feeling a bit better now, i-i actually met a nice man who lives next door to me, his name is Prince, and in think about going out on a date with hi-"

"Wait wait wait, Michael sweetie, you can't just start seeing other people immediately, you're still legally married to Eddie, if you wanna move on, then you have to file for divorce first" my mother said

I stood up, giving my mother a hug before saying

"Okay mother, I'll divorce Eddie first".

I told her I had to go, giving her another hug before she walked me to the door

"I love you mother, I'll come back over and visit this weekend okay?" I say

"Perfect, weekend it is, I love you too Michael" she said before I made my way out of the door and into my car

"Yeah I'll divorce him alright, as soon as I make him suffer the way he made me suffer"

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