Chapter 5

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Michael's POV:

For the next few days, I've had to cover up my bruises with make-up. I tried my best to avoid prince at all times, even going as far as to leave for work super early.

Luckily for me, Prince hasn't been coming to the Coffee shop this week, so I figured I would stop worrying about running into him. That was until one day I spotted his car pulling into the parking lot.

I was kinda getting worried again, cause what if one of Eddie's co-workers are watching us again and we don't even know it?

I take a deep breath, watching as Prince enters the shop

"Hey Michael, good to see you again" Prince smiled.

"What can I get for you?" I quickly ask, trying not to get into a Conversation

Prince looked confused for a bit, but quickly brushed it off

"Uh... I'd like a small coffee and a chocolate croissant" he said

"That'll be $2.25" I say, as he hands me the money. I go to the back and prepare his stuff, as I finish I quickly walk back to the front counter and hand him order.

As he reaches for his stuff, he gasps

"Michael, w-whats wrong with your arm?" Prince asked

I quickly pull up the sleeve, trying my best to hide my bruises

"Uh-nothing, i-i just fell" I lied

Prince didn't believe me, he looked very concerned

"Michael, why do you have bruises all over your arms?"

That's when I Began to shed a few tears, not having any choice but to tell prince

"My-My Husband Eddie got mad at me for having lunch with you the other day and-"

"Wait, how does he know about that? Was he spying on us or something?" Prince asked

"No, he said one of his co-workers saw us. When I got back home, he screamed at me, then-then-"

" your husband Abusing you?" Prince asked me

I nod, tears streaming down my face

"Why are you letting him do this to you? You need to go to the police"

"No no no, we can't go to the Police, Eddie will kill me...... Literally" I say in a panic

"No he won't, you can't just let him get away with this. Matter of Fact, when do you get off of work?" He asked me

"4:00" I say

"Good, I want you to meet me at my front door as soon as you get off of work ok?"

"Why?" I ask

"Just do it" he said, leaving the coffee shop.

I continued to work, looking at the clock a few times wondering when 4:00 hits. After a good amount of costumers, it was finally 4:00.

After clocking out and getting into my car, I drive home, making sure to park in my own parking lot, before walking over to prince's door.

I wait a while, until Prince eventually pulls into the driveway. He gets out of his car, keys in hand

"Good, you're here, come on inside" Prince smiled, unlocking his front door and letting me inside first.

His house looked very nice, it was extremely clean as well

"So, why'd you ask me to come here?" I quickly ask

"Because I wanted to ask you something In private" he said

I was confused, what did he want to ask me?

"Okay....what is it?" I asked

Prince took a deep breath, taking off his jacket before asking me the question

"Do you still love Eddie?" He asked

I was immediately caught off guard by that question, not sure how to answer

"What?" I say confused

"Do you still love Eddie? Even after all the times he has abused you repeatedly?" He asked again

I didn't know how to answer, do I still love him? I honestly wasn't sure

"I-i don't think I do" I say.

"Then why don't you divorce him? And be with someone who will treat you right?" Prince said

"P-prince, what are you trying to say?" I asked confused

Prince took another deep breath

"Michael, I'm in love with you, since the day I first laid eyes on you, I knew I was in love. But since you're married, I had to hide my feelings for you cause I absolutely do NOT wanna get between you and your husband, but after hearing that he abuses you, I decided to tell you how I feel cause you deserve a better man than him" Prince confessed

I didn't know what to say, I had no idea prince felt that way

"Prince i-i don't what to say"

"Let's sit down on the couch and think this through" Prince said, turning on the TV

Almost immediately, a News report comes on, saying a Delivery Driver has been shot

"That's weird, Eddie is also a Delivery Driver" I thought to myself.

It was until they identified the driver that I realized it was Eddie who got shot

I immediately get up from the couch and head for the door but Prince yells my name

"Michael where are you going?" He asked

I point at the TV, Letting him know why I'm leaving

"Eddie has been shot, I need to go to the hospital" I say

"Let me drive you there" Prince said, but I denied his offer

"No it's ok, I'll drive there myself" I say, running out of the door, getting into my car and driving off

As I make it to the hospital, I ask for Eddie Murphy but they told me he can't have visitors, I told them Im his husband and they quickly pull me into the back and into Eddie's room.

I ask the doctors where he got shot and what they told me left me in shock

"He was driving his delivery truck when Gun fire went off, The bullet Went through his spine, making him paralyzed from the neck down" the doctor said

"Permanently?" I ask

"We're not sure, it may be permanent, it may be temporary...we don't really know" the doctor said

"Can I have some time alone with him?" I ask

"Sure" the doctor said, leaving me alone in the room with Eddie

I walk over to Eddie's unconscious body, kneeling down to his ear and saying only one thing

"Karma is a Bitch"

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