Chapter 8

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Michael's POV:

As I pull into my driveway, I quickly made my way into the house, to find Eddie still on the floor

"Oh look, you're still laying here, not that you could do anything else anyway" I chuckled.

Eddie looked at me, tears flowing down his face

"You know, I think I'm gonna leave you here all night....." I quickly bend down to face him

" think about what you DID" I spat.

I got up, and left the house once again, this time making my way to Prince's house. as I knocked on his door, Prince immediately swung the door open and pulled me inside.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you to get back" Prince said, kissing my neck.

I kissed him back, shutting his door behind me as we stumbled into his house.

As we continue to passionately make out, Prince suddenly separates our lips.

"Wait-michael, I kinda feel bad about this" Prince said

"Why?" I ask

"I dunno, it's just that you're technically cheating on your husband" he said

I scoffed, grabbing Prince's face for another kiss before saying

"I don't give a shit about Eddie anymore, he can rot in hell for all I care. there is NO excuse for why he did those horrible things to me" I growled.

"I understand that Mike, but two wrongs don't make a right. the least you can do is help him now that he needs your help, and after he's better, go divorce him" Prince said

I chuckled "why should I help him? do you have any idea how much pain HE put ME through?"

"No, but I don't want you to be an awful person just because he is, do the right thing Michael".

I sighed in defeat, making my way towards the door before turning around to face Prince

"Fine, I will... help Eddie, but Im gonna let him know that this marriage is over" I said, leaving Prince's house and entering my own.

Eddie, Still on the ground notices me and quickly dashes his head to face me . I grab Eddie, placing him back into his wheelchair, bringing my face to his ear before saying

I will bathe you, feed you, and clothe you. But I just want you to know one thing..........this OVER.

APOLOGIES for not updating in a while, a lot has been going on in my personal life

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