Chapter 6

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Short chapter

Michael's POV:

It's been 3 days since Eddie's been shot. I've been sitting beside him at all times, waiting for a Doctor to say we can go home.

I kept thinking about what prince said the other day about him being in love with me, and even him asking if I still loved Eddie.

Finally after waiting for a long period of time, the doctor walks back into the room, holding some papers

"So, first things first, he's able to go home today. But due to him being paralyzed, he won't be able to do a single thing by himself. Which means you'll have to Clothe him, Feed him, bathe him ect." The doctor said

"I understand" I say, grabbing my things while a few doctors picked Eddie up to put him in his wheelchair.

After we finally manage to get home, I decided to get my early revenge. As I push his Wheelchair through the front door, I push him onto the floor, watching as his helpless body lays there

"Now lets get one thing straight, I will never forgive you for what you've done to me. You've Beat me, you've abused me, you even tortured me, well that all ends now, you're gonna lay there and think about how bad you treated me" I say, turning around and walking out the front door.

I head over to Prince's door, knocking on it .
As he opens the door, he Invites me into his house. Before he could get a chance to say anything, I grab his face and kiss him

"Michael did y- you just kiss me?" He asked

"Yeah, I thought about what you said to me the other day, and I now realize that Im in love with you too, I'll never forgive Eddie for what he did to me, I deserve a man who'll treat me the way I deserve to be treated" I say.

Prince just smiled at me, pinning me to the wall and we kissed again.

My phone then starts to ring, I look at the caller id and I'm surprised as its My mother calling me

"Hello?" I answer

"Hi Michael sweetie"

"Hi Mother, how have you been?" I ask

"I've been ok, but I called you cause I wanted you to come over so I can talk to you" she said

"Oh, ok. I'll be right over" i say, hanging up the phone

"You have to go?" Prince asked

"Yeah, I'll be back" I say, heading out the door

"Wait, you're just gonna leave Eddie all alone?" He asked

"I don't care about him right now" I say, getting into my car and driving off

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