Chapter 3

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Michael's POV:

After a few hours of working the register, it's finally time for my lunch break. As if on cue, I see Prince's car pull up in the driveway.

As I head outside, he gets out of his car and walks up to me

"Hey Michael, I have a really nice place For us to have lunch together" he smiled

"That's great, but remember, I'm married. This isn't a date, we're just getting to know each other as friends" I reminded him

"Of course" he said, opening his passenger door for me

I thanked him greatly, getting into the car before he drove off.

I asked him where we were going but he said it was a surprise. It didn't take long before we reached our destination, a building called Olive Garden

"What is this Place?" I ask

"It's my favorite restaurant, they have all different types of delicious food here, come on" he said as we both got out of the car .

We made our way into the restaurant and found an empty table right next to a window. as we sat down, prince began to ask me a few questions

"So um, where are you from?" He asked me

"Gary Indiana, my mother raised me by herself since I am an only child"

He looked a bit surprised, but continued to ask me a few more questions

"By herself? What about your father?" He asked

I try my best to hold back Tears, hoping prince doesn't notice

"M-My father passed away before I was born, my mother told me he was killed in a car accident" I say

"O-Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I had no idea" he apologized

"No no, it's ok, I just wish I've gotten a chance to see him ya know?"

Prince nodded, giving me a slight smile

As we continued to talk, a woman walked up to our table

"Hello sirs, here are your menus, would you like to order now or do you need time?" She asked

"It's ok, we'll order now......can I get the Shrimp Alfredo with a strawberry lemonade?" Prince asked

"Of course, and for you sir?" She said, looking at me.

I read over the menu before choosing what I wanted

"Can I please get the lasagna with a strawberry lemonade as well?"

"Coming right up, your food will be ready soon" the woman smiled, leaving our table

"So prince, where are you from?" I asked

"Well, I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I am also an only child, but sadly my parents divorced when I was 6 which didn't work very well. They were always fighting about who I was gonna live with, since they couldn't decide, they asked me who I wanted to live with"

"Who'd you pick?" I asked

"My mother, I felt more comfortable living with her so I chose her. My father got angry and he just left the house, and I haven't seen my father ever since"

"That sucks, he should've atleast respected your decision" I say

"I agree".

After a few minutes, the woman finally arrived with our food, we immediately started stuffing our faces as if we were starving

"So did you and Eddie meet?" Prince asked, taking another bite of his shrimp Alfredo

"Well, he and I went to highschool together, in fact he was my highschool crush. I was finally able to tell him how I feel during our senior year. We even went to prom together. He asked me to be his boyfriend when we went to college and I said yes. He was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. Then a few years ago he proposed to me, and I of course I said yes. We had an amazing wedding, and our Honeymoon was even better. It was until he wanted kids he started to change"

"What do you mean? He wanted to adopt a lot of kids or something?" He asked

" see, I'm intersex, even tho I'm a male, I'm able to carry a baby" I say

Prince looked completely surprised, holding his hand up to his mouth in shock

"Wow....I did not expect you to say that, so he was trying to force you to have kids?" He asked

"Yeah, I told him we weren't ready to be parents cause we didn't have the money for baby supplies like diapers. But he didn't listen, he hi-" I stopped myself, almost telling prince about Eddie's anger issues

"He what?" Prince asked

Immediately after prince asked that question, my phone rang. I quickly answered it

"Hello?, Oh hi sir, really? Ok thank you so much, bye" I then hang up the phone

"Who was that?" Prince asked

"Oh, it was my boss, he gave me the rest of the day off because he has somewhere to be and he has to close the shop for the day. Thank God I can go home" I say in relief

"Well, looks like we're both finished with our food, I guess we better head out" prince said

I nodded as we both got up from the table, Prince placed a 20 dollar bill for his plate, and I did the same for my plate.

We made it back to his car, getting in as we immediately drove home.

I soon remember that my car was still at my job, so I asked prince to drive me there, he agreed to do it without a problem.

As we arrive, I get out of his car and into my own, driving home with him .

As we both pull into our separate driveways, I notice Eddie's car in the drive way

"Shoot, what's he doing home so early?" I asked myself

I get out of the car and head towards the front door, but before I could try to unlock it, the door swings open, showing Eddie looking at me in the most upsetting face possible

"Why were you having food with the neighbor?" He asked

"What do you mea-"


"I-i was just having lunch with him, were just friends" I explained

Eddie didn't believe me, he immediately slapped me, causing me to fall back onto the couch

"What did I tell you about Lieing?" He said, walking up to me and placing his hands around me neck, choking me

"I-i- can't breathe" I say, gaping for air

"Too bad, should've thought about that before you tried to cheat on me" Eddie growled, tightening his grip around my neck.

Within a matter of seconds, I completely blacked out .

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