chapter 1

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Out from the woods, he took the blame.
Out again, finally facing his mother.
She would hate him, she would be mad, she would be mad at Mirabel... but Mirabel didn't do anything.
He had to do this, get this one thing right. Defend Mirabel.

Buuuuuut then Bruno realized he had missed something probably important as Alma gave him a hug.
What a relief—
Now to return to the rest of the family. That wouldn't be any easier.

And sure enough-


Bruno opened his eyes. It had been a month or so since he had come back.
Not much changed, really. Aside from the room of course-
Most of the family was still tentative around him, save Dolores, Antonio, Mirabel, and Julietta.
Camilo seemed the most skiddish around him, his views of Bruno were so tainted it had become hard to see the reality.

But... eh. Bruno had expected worse to be honest. He thought everyone would chase him away again so this was a significant step up! Right?

Knocking on his bedframe, as was so familiar to him, he got up and on his feet, slowly leaving his room to greet the rest of the family.

"Oh- morning tío!" Mirabel half-hazardly said as she rushed back to her room with an arepa. Most likely to go sew-
Bruno would wave back. No one else seemed to greet him though. That's alright, he didn't expect anything at this point.

Months and months of days so similar went by. Mirabel would say good morning, small talk would be here and there, people would wave every occasion... it was almost more lonely then hearing them through the walls at times.

But... atleast they acknowledged him at all instead of silencing any talk related to him.
This was just how he should be treated, he thought.


Years could've gone by without change but... the family looked at him different after a squabble with Camilo.

He didn't even realize how much he scared him. In fact, the night after, he could barely recall ever being mad at Camilo. And yet there he was, looking away the moment Bruno stepped into view.

What had happened? Bruno... couldn't remember.
Something about... an empty threat maybe?

It terrified Bruno that he couldn't remember.

"what is it camilo? you seem shaken up." Pepa asked. Her tone was softer than usual.

Camilo just pointed at Bruno, and Pepa just stared for a moment.

Taking his seat on the pillow in the floor, Bruno wearily waved at the pair, only Pepa noticing. She just huffed, her expression seeming disappointed at worst, and continued mumbling to Camilo while eating.

Nothing much eventful happened during that breakfast. Mirabel and Pepa were conversing with Camilo, Luisa was staring at the encanto, trying to decide what to do first, Félix kept an eye on Camilo and Antonio, Dolores was listening to the conversations. Nothing to far out of the usual.

Luisa was the first up, as usual. Mirabel, Julietta, and Isabella followed, as usual. Slowly they left, one by one.

All was usual. All aside from Camilo.

Why couldn't Bruno remember what had shaken him up so badly? What did he do?? Camilo isn't the type to keep grudges for more than a few hours unless you really messed with him.

What happened?

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