chapter 4

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The next day, very early morning, Bruno had awoken on the couch. Exactly where Agustín had moved him. It was quite dark outside, sun had just barely started rising. No one but him was awake.

He still wasn't used to a schedule at all. A few months haven't done several years worth of fixing quite yet.

He just got up and did a few minute things, unable to chase the image that something bad had happened yesterday away.


Later on when Camilo woke up, he saw he was in his bed. Julietta had passed out sitting on a chair next to him. She was holding a plate of food that had gotten cold at this point.

Camilo attempted to get up and wake her, but as they applied pressure to they're hands to lift themself, he felt pain run from the tips of his fingers, up his arms, straight down his spine. That got him to lay back down, opting instead to just call to her.

"Tía- Tía Julieta! TÍA"

After a few moments of calling to Julieta with little to no response, Dolores came up.

"Are you alright Milo-?"

"No. My hands hurt-" he raised his hands up, letting them ragdoll on the ends of his arms. Gesturing vaguely towards Julieta, he asked his hermana to either wake her or just hand him food.

Dolores grabbed an arepa from the plate, gently shaking Julieta awake while handing it to Camilo; who took this personally seeing as they couldn't grab it due to pain.

"Oh I see how it is"

Julieta slowly blinked awake and Dolores looked at Camilo, quickly realizing her mistake.

"Ai— lo seinto hermano- Abierta entonces, I'll feed it to you"

"De nada. Gracias"

Camilo opened his mouth and Dolores fed him the food. It was FRIGID, he almost wanted to spit it out immediately, but chewing on it made his hands feel better so he kept eating.

By now, Julieta had gained enough consciousness for it to matter, so she had moved over to Camilo's bed. Taking one of his hands after he had eaten, she watched as her magic slowly worked.

After seeing enough of the cuts disappear, Julieta planted a small kiss on Camilo's forehead and spoke. "you should get some more rest Camilo. Give my gift more time to work before trying to do anything with your poor hands."

Camilo didn't want to stay in bed but remembering the stinging pain he felt when he added pressure to his hands had him following Julietas advice.

"Alright tía- I guess I'll take a little more nap time."


Julieta and Dolores left his room shortly after that.

As Camilo tried to get a little more comfortable, they looked at their hands heal for a bit too long, remembering what had happened to put him in this condition. They just locked their eyes shut and tried to chase that from their head.


As Julieta and Dolores left, Julieta noticed Bruno awake and cleaning. She decided to head over and help him while Dolores simply went to her room.

"Hey hermano-! Mind if I help a bit?"

"é- no. not at all-" OH GOD HUMAN INTERACTION- I jest but Bruno really just... didn't expect help.

Julieta took a broom as quickly as she took this opportunity to talk to Bruno about whatever happened yesterday.

"Oye, Bruno-"


Julieta continued. "Do you think you could tell me about yesterday? Whatever it was that happened left Camilo in pretty rough shape.."

Bruno froze. He couldn't remember ANYTHING happening to Camilo. "U-uh-"

"It's alright. Whatever it is I won't judge-" Julieta took his confusion as a general want to not talk about it.

"Well I kinda... I kinda don't.......

Julieta didn't react much, keeping her eyes on the dust in the floor rather than Bruno. "There has to be something in that empty little head of yours" She spoke still in a very lighthearted way.

"No I- there's literally- I- there's nothing. I don't remember anything—" Bruno tried once more to get his point across.

Grabbing a dustpan and setting it down, Julieta looked at Bruno this time. "Really?" There was an hint of concern.


"Last I remembered you didn't have THIS much of a problem with your memory-"

"..... what happened?"


(Writers note: I remembered Camilo uses he/they pronouns so those got used!)

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