chapter 7

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Bruno woke up.

Woke up?

Wasn't he just next to Julieta? Weren't they just talking meer seconds ago?

Slowly sitting up, Bruno held his head due to a migraine that snuck up on him. Looking around in slight disorientation, he saw it was atleast sunny.

Stumbling out of his bed, he left his room to see that Mirabel was talking to Julieta as she cooked, Félix was playing with Antonio, Luisa was working out, Isabella picked what flowers she wanted to adorn herself with today, Agustín was helping Julieta as best he could. Alma was probably still in her room-

Normal. All normal...

Julieta heard Bruno walk downstairs and practically shoved all she was doing to Agustín, walking over to her brother.

"Bruno, hermano- how are you feeling? You passed out so suddenly yesterday, I was worried-"

"Fine I guess? Small headache... um... d'you know why??"

Julieta walked over to grab an arepa to hand to Bruno, continuing to talk after he took it. "Not sure. It was like... one second I had asked you how you were and the next you had fallen over into my lap- are you sure you're fine?"

"Well, even if I wasn't, I am now thanks to this-" Bruno shook the arepa he held for a moment before taking another bite.

Julieta deadpanned and rolled her eyes. "I mean are you okay up here-" she poked the center of his forehead.

Bruno giggled awkwardly, "well yeah- you just gave me an arepa for the headache."

Julieta sighed before giving a kind glare. "Well alright then, I'll trust you amor-" before getting back to cooking.

Bruno stood there, watching Julieta just kinda cook as he finished his arepa. He silently decided to take a walk around the encanto. There was no real reason- he just wanted to, thought some fresh air would be nice.

Flipping his hood up, he walked out the door with little a word. He subconsciously walked towards the cracked mountain, looking at the people he passed by.

Some clearly noticed him but didn't seem to care, some stopped and glared, others didn't seem to notice him at all. Some even waved!

One of the encanto's kids wanted to go up and talk to him, but his madre pulled the kid away. Bruno recognized her as the fish lady. Or- Señora Pezmuerto more formally.

He lowly stated "still salty I guess", chuckling at his own joke.

He only noticed where he was walking when he reached his destination. The river his father died.

He silently stared at the water for a moment, eventually sitting down near the edge.

Then he saw a red droplet hit the surface. And another. Rubbing at his eye... yep. Bleeding again. He didn't understand why, but he was used to it by now-

He decided to just wash it off in the river.

At some point he just stared into his bloodied reflection, this gave him a strange sense of déjà vu but... once again he felt meer seconds away from some kind of memory but he couldn't place his tongue on it

Then he started spending more and more time under the waters surface, even when he noticed the blood had stopped, until eventually he stopped holding his breath.

Being IMMEDIATELY waterboarded he jolted away from the body of water, coughing it up.

A moment again, he spent staring at the glistening surface.

He blinked and stood up, drying his face with his ruana and stumping back to Casita as fast as he could.

On his way back he spotted Julieta at her stand. She looked at him with pure confusion. At the same stand he saw Mrs. Deadfish's kid with a few bruises and scrapes as well as leaves in her hair.

Seemed to have fallen out of a tree... hm.

Either way he scurried back towards his room, but caught himself at Camilo's door, yet again finding himself staring.

Was he feeling better yet?

He asked but didn't answer. Instead a new yet old question filled his head.

What happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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