chapter 5

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Bruno blinked. A headache slowly crept in as his eyes started focusing on what only he could. Julieta recognized him stumbling backwards and holding his head as a sign that, surprise surprise, his gift was doing stuff-

Quickly setting her broom to the side, Julieta helped lower her brother gently towards a wall, now just standing there waiting for it to pass by.

On Bruno's side however, he was getting a vision of himself. A sick, twisted version of him similar to that of Camilo's interpretation... just without the hight boost.

Not a dream, nor a nightmare.

A vision.

The longer the vision went on, the worse Bruno's migraine got, making it harder to focus. However he still got enough before it felt like his scull was split in half to know this wasn't good-

After this vision ended, Julieta calmly asked what he saw. Bruno was too paralyzed with pain to respond with anything more than "m—"

Julieta pouted for a moment, feeling bad for her hermano. She couldn't really heal these migraines considering they aren't injuries— she just had to kinda  b e  t h e r e  and  o f f e r  s u p p o r t

Grabbing a snack, she offered it to Bruno in hopes that it could atleast temporarily distract him from the pain, but he feebly declined.

She really wished vision tablets were created when he got these sudden visions, but unfortunately not. Either way, she pat Bruno on the head, going to the kitchen to prepare the food she'd need for the day.


Not much later on when Pepa woke up, after checking on Camilo of course, she saw her brother incapacitated in the fetal position on the floor— and immediately knew what was up.

Her stress was already kind of high thanks to Camilo's situation. So needless to say this did NOT help.

She took a deep breath trying to reign in her emotions, and walked over to Bruno.

"Hey hermano—" she lowly mumbled while taking a seat near him.

"Gift got you?"

Bruno nodded slightly, moving one of his arms to hold his head for comfort afterwards.

Pepa sighed. Leaning back against the wall, she rubbed Bruno's back and just kinda... hung out. The encanto didn't need her gift as much as the others since it's just weather, so she didn't feel bad about taking some time away from working.

Once Bruno had eventually fallen asleep, Pepa got up to go actually do stuff, but not before she threw a blanket over Bruno so he wouldn't get cold.


Bruno didn't get a great rest.

He had a nightmare about his family. Watching after he had broken out of the walls when Casita crumbled, not one member made it out aside from Mirabel.

He didn't know why Mirabel was okay, but everyone else was.... reduced to rubble- but that's just how the nightmare went. Upon seeing the two black sheep of the family were the only ones to survive, the villagers all but banished them, forcing them out of the encanto.

What a vivid picture did he paint as well-

Jolting awake, Bruno atleast had less of a migraine, but that image of his family, all, one by one, getting crushed under the foundations, would not go the f- away.

Ungracefully wrestling the blanket, having accidentally burrito wrapped himself, he noticed a small drop of red on some piece of fabric he couldn't discern. And another, and another. It seemed to be dripping from..... his face—?

Only upon that realization did he finally feel the blood dripping from his eyes and nose. As slow and unpainful as it was, he couldn't help but wonder...

What happened-?????

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