chapter 3

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Camilo turned to his tío, fear welling up and pouring out of him in the form of tears, he was holding one of Julietta's recipe books, presumably about to throw it or rip it to shreds.

They stared at eachother for a moment before Bruno finally realized he had raised his voice and spoken.

Quickly sinking down as much as someone could while standing up, Bruno started apologizing.

Camilo continued to stare for awhile, his gaze fixated on, and melting through, Bruno. However as soon as Bruno blinked, Camilo had thrown the recipe book as hard as he possibly could towards his tío.

Bruno had very little time to react, but he could raise an arm for defense. Once the book hit him, he fell to the floor from the impact. The book landed soon after, having giving Bruno's arm a paper cut in the process.

The family members both looked into each others very soul for no more than 1 second before Camilo had bolted towards his room, Bruno quickly following.

Closing and locking the door behind him, Camilo started looking all around him. He'd been here before but it felt so different- how does his very own room feel so wrong.

The mirrors.

As Bruno knocked on the door, getting gradually more anxious, Camilo stared at all the mirrors in his room and started panicking. Where was the mirror that always showed him- where was he- what did he look like-

His eyes kept dragging him back to the mirror that always showed his version of Bruno.

Speaking of which, the man at the door had started to get less patient, the banging on the door getting much slower and unintentionally more aggressive.
"Camilo, please! Get out of there! What's wrong?" His voice still sounded familiar enough, but Camilo was more focused on finding himself.

Camilo eventually saw a mirror covered with a cloth in the corner, rushing towards it.

When he pulled the cloth off, he saw himself and slowly started calming down. He usually hated staring at his reflection, the more he did so the more he couldn't recognize himself, but seeing eye-to-eye with himself gave him a sort of peace this time around.

Bruno slowly gave up hope of opening the door, instead sinking to the floor and sighing, hoping he'd come out. Camilo on the other hand, analyzed his every own feature.

Both sat down in the same spot, staring at seemingly nothing, for hours.


When the other members of the family started returning home, Dolores saw her tío asleep at Camilo's door. Motioning to Agustín to pick him up, Dolores grabbed a snack, not thinking much of it. She didn't hear anything earlier after all. However she did notice the lack of Camilo.

Agustín saw this movement and took it as his obvious cue to grab Bruno, to which he did, gently moving him to the couch. Agustín and his piano fingers were basically the only things that could move Bruno without waking him.

Once Agustín had moved Bruno and she had finished her snack, Dolores cracked Camilo's door to be greeted by an ocean of shattered glass and a Camilo who was passed out with a considerable amount of blood pooling from his fists. One mirror was left intact out of the hundreds he had in his room. The mirror that showed himself.

"Camilo- what happened-!?"

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