Coronation Things

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It was the day of Glimmers coronation, you couldn't help but feel sad, you knew that after this things were about to get worse for Adora and Glimmer. You shook it off though and got dressed. Glimmer put out some clothes they had lying around in the castle that were quite fashionable actually. You got dressed and went outside for some fresh air, you took a deep breath in and nearly choked on it because of the mysterious voice behind you.

"So your the earthling everyone has been talking about, so I'm guessing you know everything about me and my past", The voice spoke.

You turned to see Shadow Weaver tending her garden.

"Yes, and this earthling has a name Miss Shadow Weaver", You say smartly.

"And I'm guessing your going to tell me your name or shall I keep calling you earthling", Shadow Weaver responded.

"My name is y/n", You say.

Out of nowhere Adora comes and pulls you aside.

"Are you okay, did she hurt you, what were you doing you know she's dangerous", Adora says as she pulls you in for a squeezing hug.

"Adora I'm fine, we were just talking", You say as you try and breathe.

"Adora, I'm not the one you should be worried about, y/n here is quite the power house you know", Shadow Weaver says as she looks at you with her white glowing eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean", You ask.

"She's just messing with you don't believe a word she says", Adora said abruptly.

Shadow Weaver turned to mend her garden but you knew that she didn't take Adora's words quite lightly.

Adora takes you to meet the other princesses.

She takes you to the throne room where things are getting out of hand.

Suddenly the room goes silent and everyone's eyes are on you.

"", Perfuma says in a weird voice.

"I understand you Perfuma", You say.

"Oh", Perfuma says as she starts laughing.

"This is y/n, she's the earthling that knows pretty much everything about us", Adora says.

Everyone goes wide eyed in shock. They suddenly surround you and start asking questions.

"Enough everyone give the girl some space", You here a calm voice saying.

Suddenly you feel someone pull you from the crowd, it was Castaspella, You looked up in complete awe, she was more prettier in person then on TV.

"Hey are you alright", Casta says.

"Yeah all good", you reply as you take a big gulp.

"That's good, now people we need Glimmer's coronation to be perfect, we don't want her to remember Angella's death instead we should look to the future", Casta says.

"OK so who's doing what now exactly", Bow asks.

Casta was about to speak but you already knew where this was going.

"Mermista your doing flower arrangements, Perfuma you organize the fountains, Spinerella and Netossa are on streamer duties, Bow and Adora you will find the sacred cloth and the scroll, and help Glimmer while your at it, and I suppose since y/n is here (She/They) can help me with more organizing", Casta says.

"And I will be the Bouncer", Frosta adds.

Everyone looks at each other in disbelief but they get to work.

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