Shadow and Casta 🙄

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You barely could sleep the night, you kept guard and made sure the Horde wasn't after you guys.

"Have you slept at all", Perfuma asks.

"Maybe an hour or two", You say.

Suddenly you heard the bushes rustling, you prepare a spell and get ready to see who it was.

Castaspella jumped out of the bushes.

"I heard what had happened", Castaspella says.

"Frosta we need to check her", Perfuma says.

Frosta holds Casta with her ice powers and makes sure her neck is clean.

"She's good", Frosta yells.

"You could have just asked me", You say.

"We keep forgetting OK", Perfuma says.

"There is no way that you guys are the only ones left", Casta says.

"The rebellion has fallen, and we have no place to make camp, do you think we could go to Mystacor", Perfuma asks.

"That's not possible at the moment, you see Micah is in control of Mystacor now", You hear a familiar voice say from the forest.

"Do we have to check her too", Frosta asks.

"Nah She's clean", You say.

"How did the rebellion lose so many of its finest members and yet we're still stuck with you", Casta says to Shadow.

You tell Shadow telepathically "This Bitch".

You see Shadows neck tense up trying to hold the laughter in.

"We'll find camp soon, why don't you guys prepare for the night", You say.

"I think you should go too", Shadow Weaver says in her head.

"Why, you just got here", You say telepathically.

"Because the things I'm about to do next will hurt you, as much as I don't want to do it, I have to", Shadow says in her head.

"No, it's not fair", You say as you run off.

"I'm sorry", Shadow says in her head.

You turn you head to see Shadow running into the forest and Casta looks back and gives you a sneaky grin.

You run back to camp and try and find Perfuma.

"PERFUMA", You shout as tears fall down your face.

"What's wrong y/n, oh no are you ok come I'll make some tea", Perfuma says.

You both sit down next to the fire and you see her signal to everyone else to get out of there.

She hands you the cup of tea and you start sobbing again.

"I didn't think it was true, I mean I theorized it but, I didn't think it was true", You say.

"Wait what, I'm so confused", Perfuma says.

"Shadow just took Casta into the forest and she's going to...", You say as you start crying again.

"Oh y/n, we're just a puppets in this fantasy, she loves you that will never change, I know she's probably doing stuff with... wait did you say Casta... nevermind not important, the important thing is that she loves you so much more, just wait till she comes back", Perfuma says.

"Wait your right, I'm so stupid why am I crying", You say as you wipe the tears of your face.

"Your crying because you love her, it's so cute", Perfuma says as she hugs you from the side.

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