Fixing the Ship

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Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, passed by and you still couldn't move you were to weak to say anything and even breathing was difficult.

"She's going to be okay Adora", Perfuma says.

"How could you have let this happen, first with Glimmer, now with y/n, anybody and everybody who comes under your care gets hurt", Adora says.

"I couldn't have done anything", Shadow says.

"Of course you couldn't have, your fucking useless", Adora says.

You had enough of this nonsense.

"Can you guys shut up, Adora it was not anyones fault this happened, the person to blame is Glimmer and now she's gone", You get up and say.

Adora runs and hugs you.

"I was so worried", Adora says.

"Save it, I heard every single word, every single argument, aren't you ashamed of yourselves, we have bigger problems then this", You say.

"Your right, I better get going", Adora says.

Adora leaves the tent and you were left alone with Shadow.

Shadow waits for Adora to leave and comes and hugs you tightly.

"I thought I lost you", Shadow says as she softly rubs your cheek with her thumb.

"I will never leave ever, I'd miss you too much", You say as you put your hand over hers.

Suddenly King Micah comes in and tells you guys to meet everyone in the main tent.

You walk there with Shadow beside you.

You enter the tent and everyone comes and hugs you.

"HI everyone, how's the situation like", You ask.

"Thaymor is under attack again", Micah says.

"Didn't we just save Thaymor", Mermista says.

"Your confusing that with Elberon", Perfuma says.

"Can everywhere just stop getting attacked", Mermista says.

"We could use the Heart to stop all this", Shadow says.

"Not again with the Heart", The princesses say.

"Shadow we should postpone that idea for now", You say.

"Entrapta how is the ship coming along", Adora asks.

"Good but I need the engines to work simultaneously", Entrapta says.

" I could help, I did physics in college", You say.

"LAB PARTNERS", Entrapta says as she gives you a high five with her hair.

"At this rate we should be done by tomorrow", You say.

"Ooh space", Entrapta says.

Adora takes you to her tent after the meeting, you see Shadow looking at you suspiciously.

Adora pulls you inside and asks "Are you coming with us".

"No, as much as I want to, I can't I need to protect Etheria, Glimmer needs you not me", You say.

"Well it's your choice, I'll miss you a lot", Adora says as she hugs you.

"I'll miss you too, now save the both of them",You say as you teleport.

You go to the ship and sigh, you start formulating and calculating things while Entrapta puts the ship together. It took you guys all day to finish it but it was finally done.

You teleport to Shadow, but she wasn't at her tent You look all over for her, you finally found her sitting on a fallen tree looking at the stars.

"Hey what are you doing here, its freezing", You say.

"The stars it's beautiful ", Shadow says.

"It's as beautiful as you, or what I think you look like", You say, you knew what she looked like but you didn't want to panic her.

"No, you don't know the monstrosity that's under this mask, once you'll see it you'll change your mind", Shadow says with her head down.

"Your right I may not know what's under your mask, but I know you and your the brightest star I've ever seen", You say as you sit next to her.

She holds you hand and pulls you closer to her.

"Promise me you won't leave me, I have no one, I saw you talking to Adora and I know your leaving for space, all I ask is that you don't do anything stupid and come back safely please", Shadow says.

"I'm not leaving, I couldn't leave you all alone, Shadow cause..." You say and pause, you didn't have the courage to tell her.

"Cause what y/n, this is what you said last time before you almost died, and your scaring me", Shadow says as her white eyes are fixated on you.

"I...I...", You say.

"You what", Shadow asks as she starts playing with your hair.

"I love you", You finally say, the relief and anxiety that spread throughout your body scared you.

Shadow shifted a bit and was breathing deeply.

"Well say something", You say as tears roll down your cheek.

Shadow comes close again and wipes the tear of your face.

"Don't, don't love me, it's the biggest mistake you'll make", Shadow says.

"You don't think I know that", You say.

"Yes, everything you have seen is an action, you have no idea what's going on inside my head, why I did the things I did, the mistakes I made, I don't want you to get hurt, I.... I love you too much to see you suffer, so for my sake stop please", Shadow says as she looks back up.

You see her neck tense and her her hands shake.

"But I don't know how to, I've loved you even before you knew me, I can't let you go, for God's sake this might be the last time we might see each other", You say.

"I know, I can't stop either but it's for your own good now sleep", Shadow says as she touches your forehead.

But what she hadn't known was that you suspected her of erasing your memory and put a shield spell on yourself, so you pretended to fall asleep.

Shadow carried you all the way to the tent.

As soon as Shadow lay you down on the bed Adora comes in.

"What did you do to her", Adora asks.

"She fell asleep under the stars Adora, I brought her to bed", Shadow says in a rather firm voice.

"Oh, umm when she wakes up tell her to meet us in the meeting room tomorrow morning", Adora says.

"Fine, now leave she needs rest", Shadow says.

Adora looks at you and then leaves. Shadow sits on the bed next to you.

She lifts her mask a bit and kisses you softly, this was the first time she kissed you and you remembered it.

"I love you alot, I just want to keep you safe", Shadow says as she strokes your hair.

You turn so that she couldn't see the smile that was on your face.

You felt her get up and leave, you lay in bed with your eyes wide open and your heart beating fast you wanted to scream but due to obvious reasons you couldn't.

Now for the launch.

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