Shadow Weavers Lessons

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Another day, another episode you thought to yourself. You sat down and thought for a while, "What episode are we featuring in today, oh it's where Glimmer learns magic from Shadow Weaver", You say cheerfully.

You make your way down to the garden and you see Flutterina with Adora having small talk.

"Hey y/n, Flutterina was just telling us all about their adventures in Elberon", Adora says happily.

"Oh cool", You say as you grit your teeth.

"I've never seen you around before", Flutterina says.

"Oh yeah I'm from a distant land in Etheria, I'm actually helping Adora take care of Shadow Weaver", You say confidently.

"Excuse me", Adora says as she pulls you aside.

"What are you doing, why did you lie", She adds.

"I can't trust Flutterina, you'll see why, you just have to trust me", You say.

"Fine, but your excuse was really weird", Adora says.

"Well I am going to be learning from Shadow Weaver today", You say.

"What have I told you, she's dangerous", Adora says.

"I'll be fine Adora, I don't have to repeat myself, I know exactly what I'm doing" You say firmly.

Adora narrows her eyes on you and says "If she hurts you, I won't hold back on her anymore, understood".

"Fine, you can save your energy because it won't be necessary", You say.

"Everything ok here", Flutterina asks.

"Yeah, everything is perfect", Adora says firmly as she looks at you.

She takes Flutterina's hand and they both walk together.

You made your way to the garden and saw Shadow working on the greenhouse.

"Good Morning", You say cheerfully.

"Morning what's with the cheerfulness", Shadow asks.

"Today your going to teach me how to draw spells", You say with a grin.

"What makes you say that", Shadow says with a bit of confusion.

"Just wait and watch", You say.

Shadow comes near you and narrows her eyes on you.

"It's about Glimmer, isn't it", Shadow says as she's still close.

You tried to not make it obvious but your heart was beating faster then a horse on steroids.

"You've got to stop doing that", You say.

"I told you, I'm good at what I do, but fine if the storyline is as, I'll teach you along with Glimmer", Shadow says.

You wait in the garden until Glimmer showed up.

Glimmer shows up and Shadow and her have that whole 'conversation', she puts a rose behind Glimmers ear and looks at you, you tried to show no emotions, you knew she was trying to get to you.

Afterwards Glimmer teleported somewhere else, you go and see Shadow again.

"Let me guess she's going to come back", Shadow says.

"Yeah", You say.

"Well in the meantime, I can continue to teach you", Shadow says.

Shadow takes a vial of crystal powder out and hands you a hand full.

The powder glows brighter then anything she's every seen.

"Woah", Shadow says silently.

"What did you say", You said as you smiled.

"Nothing", Shadow says as she looks away.

You throw the dust into the water bowl and Shadow says in your ear "Now visualize what you want to see and concentrate on it".

You do as your told and you draw the spell perfectly.

"Impressive", Shadow says.

Suddenly the bowl glows a bright blue, it showed your house back on earth, it was your mother, she had painted TRAITOR on all your walls, your photo collections were all burnt and your room was a mess, it then zooms to your mother cutting all your pictures with your dad.

"MAKE IT STOP", You say as you cover your eyes in pain.

Shadow immediately disabled the spell. She looked at you in shock.

"Was that your room", she asked you nicely.

You sniffled and replied "Yeah and that was my awful mother, how could she".

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know it would show that, nobody has ever seen a different planet before, it was something even I didn't expect", Shadow says as she awkwardly pulls you in for a hug.

This made you feel a 100 times better, you even giggled a bit "Are you hugging me" You ask.

"Shhh, don't spoil the moment, you won't get this again", Shadow says as she starts playing with your hair.

Suddenly Glimmer teleports out of nowhere, You pushed Shadow off and said "I can take the leaves out of my hair myself".

Shadow looked at you and nodded, you could tell she was hurt but it needed to be done.

"What happened", Glimmer asks.

"I fell into a bush that's all, oh and I'm learning magic", You say as your hands wave in the air and a bunch of sparkles appear.

"Wait watch this", you close your eyes and teleport next to Glimmer.

"Oh my, you nearly gave me a heart attack", Glimmer says.

"Enough, if you want to learn you have to be disciplined", Shadow says.

You and Glimmer, stand in an attention stance.

"Y/n I want you to work on the truth spell, healing spell and shielding spell, while I help Glimmer", Shadow says.

"Easy, I've drawn it a million times at home", You say as you walk off.

You practice the spell and they all come out perfectly the first time around.

You then look up to Shadow and Glimmer. You saw her getting extremely close and you couldn't help but feel jealous.

As Shadow helps Glimmer draw the spell she looks towards you and you decided to open your hair and tie it again, you saw at the corner of your eye, that Shadow looked away as soon as you untied it.

"Two can play that game", You tried to tell her telepathically.

"HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT", Shadow says in her head as she looks back to you from the greenhouse.

You just smiled.

After Shadow was done, Glimmer teleports away, you then teleport next to Shadow.

"I'm not one to get scared but your scaring me", Shadow says as she kneels to tend her roses again.

"I know you love me", You say. Shadow looks up to you and she was about to say something but you teleported away.

She was about to say "But I do".

You meet up with Adora after she comes back and she is pissed.

"What's wrong", You ask.

"Glimmer is getting help from Shadow Weaver, can you believe it, of course you can aren't you taking lessons from her as well, why aren't you guys realizing she's EVIL", Adora says

"Adora, open your eyes has she done anything evil, she's been working in her fucking garden, if you continue having this narrow mindset, your going to lose everyone you love", You say as you cover your mouth.

"For someone who knows it all, your very oblivious", Adora says.

"I said what I said Adora, it's best that you leave Shadow be", You say as you teleport away.

The last thing you heard was Adora scream in anger, you felt bad but you were ultimately right, you didn't expect your relationship with Adora to tear apart, and this was only going to become worse.

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