4 - Thoughts

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-Celestiana's POV -

I got up early to make breakfast for us, but it looks like my sisters got up before me. While Ate Xandra was setting the table, I observed Ate Brie preparing breakfast, Ate Nica making coffee for everyone and juice for the children and mom since mom prefers coffee after breakfast rather than during it. My gosh, I have no idea how they are even able to get up that early. I went up to them and offered to aid them in their endeavors. Gosh! Even though there are just three of them in the kitchen, the noise they generate is equivalent to that of a large group of teens.

As soon as I came into Ate Xandra's field of vision, she said, "Hi Venice! Good Morning!"

I greeted her, saying, "Ate Xands! Good Morning, too." with a smile and eyes that sparkle.

Ate Nica called me "Baby Celest" and gave me a "beso" in each of my left cheeks. She is aware that I dislike the term "baby."

I retorted, "Good Morning Manang Veronica," again making fun of her for not like the name "Manang."

Angrily responding, "Anong sabi mo!" Veronica was poised to strike me with the spoon she was holding.

I pleasantly responded, fearing that I could get smacked HAHAHA, "Sabi ko Good Morning ATE."

She said, "Good." before throwing me a threatening glare.

Ate Brie welcomed me with "Good Morning, My Celyn". Before proceeding to prepare the food, she gave me an intimate hug and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Leaning towards the end of the counter top, I inquired, "Good Morning, Ate Gab. What are you cooking pala?"

She remarked as she carefully flipped the bacon that she was frying, "As usual, Filipino American Breakfast padin."

We were all starving, so I assisted them as they were putting our morning meal together so we could complete it quickly. Ate Brie's signature fried rice, bacon, eggs, tapa, Ilocos longganisa, bread, and coffee are all part of our breakfast.

We wrapped up preparing breakfast after 30 minutes, just in time for Mommy, Daddy, the kids, and my siblings—all but Tine—to emerge from their respective rooms.

Irene gave her girls a loving hug and kiss as she said, "Hey Girls, Good Morning!"

Xandra said, "Good morning, mommy."

Venice said, "Good morning, mom!"

"Mother, good morning!" exclaimed Veronica.

Victoria greeted her mother, saying, "Good morning, Ma."

Greggy observed that her youngest child was not at the table while they were all sat at their separate chairs.

Greggy said, "Hold on, where is Celestine?"

"oh wait lang po, I'll call her lang. Excuse me" Celestiana excused herself. She proceeded straight to her sister's room to make a breakfast call after exiting the dining area.

-Celestine's POV-

Last night, I was so worried about telling my parents and sisters about my pregnancy that I nearly couldn't fall asleep. Despite hearing that they were all awake, I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I failed to hear them calling for breakfast. When Ate Celest abruptly entered my room, I was sitting on my bed and deeply contemplating.

Celestiana sat down next to me and inquired: "I think you do know that you are obliged to confess now, right?"

In response, I remarked, "Ate, pede ba sa ibang araw nalang. Minsan lang tayo makumpleto and ayoko namang sirain tong araw na to." The fact is, I'm still unsure of how to tell them. After discovering that the youngest of their children is expecting, I have fears that they could reject me.

She replied, "as much as I want to keep this information a secret  for a longer time hindi na pwede eh. You can't keep hiding from them, Ate Brie is doubting you already. You can't keep hiding from them." Hearing that Ate Brie was obviously on to something made me feel even more uneasy.

She said with full jurisdiction, "Make sure you think of a way to tell them this as soon as possible." I merely nodded.

She commanded, "Sya, baba na tayo. Everybody's eagerly awaiting already."

She grabbed the palm of my hand as we descended, she sat at her designated seat, and I beso'ed everyone. First, we said a prayer, and then the entire family sat down to have breakfast.

Due to everyone's commitments to their private lives, their family is rarely complete. Although Celestine doesn't want to ruin the day, she knows that her sister will eventually learn the truth, so she is already considering how she would inform them now.


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